Evil Minion

Huh. Didn’t know you owned a Ferrari.

Maggie, I have to say you’re my new favorite contributor to Jalopnik.

Is this bait?

It is fairly well known that the DOJ only has one detective, and can therefore only concentrate on one case at a time. Good point.

Electricity can’t melt steel tools.

First thing come to mind.

Did a knight wear armor over his armor to protect his armor?

because that’s what Lamborghini did before cars. And now the Tractor company and the car company are separate units owned by different companies.

Allot of people are forgetting that most farmers do not outright own 90% of their equipment. So you need two combines, sure, 800,000k please. Essentially I look at it as a way for deere and its financiers to protect what the farmer DOES NOT OWN.
If there were a clause for leased equipment stating that it cannot be

Dude for gods sake not this stupid conversation again...


Apart from that time I was told to turn out my pockets or be shot. In Toronto. In broad daylight.

Pretty sure that’s a Bugatti dude.

Call a doctor, your sense of humor is broken.

I think he’s missing a lot of things.

I think you’re missing the joke.

(Pictured: you)

Oh please get fucked. Your rant is a 1000×more annoying than the NASCAR joke of the weekend that’s repeated 1000 times.

I agree that in certain ways the world is getting crazier by the day, but ultimately it’s not any crazier than the past. Yes, 9/11 was horrific and unimaginable. As a witness to that event and subsequent war (1.5 years in Afghanistan as development worker) I know this well. That being said, 50 years ago the world was