Evil Minion

I would have loved it if Ford pulled another “surprise, bitches!” like they did with the reveal, and showed up with this ready to race at this year’s LeMans.

Only one way to find out...

What about if you go upside down into the water??

Jealousy is a bitch, huh?

True, and as it was in Texas that this happened, I’m surprised he didn’t have one...

And this is why you should always keep one of these in your glovebox:

I wish you could select an option when you choose a flight online, to have a plane where the pilot flies like that! It’d be like riding a roller-coaster the whole way to your destination!

This is awesome, keep it going! It’s always fun to read about these “hidden” cultures that are all around us.

Liberating them... of their paychecks!

I’ll be honest, I didn’t even bother reading the article before voting. $17k for an ‘02 Lexus does not a good deal make.

True, they can’t expect the busy and super important drivers of these cars to watch out for inconsequential things like people crossing the road.

Can you tell them to zoom out a bit in that area on their copy machine next time?

Is it just me, or are the kidneys a little too large? Looks awkward...

Sadly you’d pretty much have to rule out all luxury brands for a girls name.

Speaking of which, it’s been a while since the last Will It Baby...

Hopefully the woman in labor is in a nice car, and names the baby after said car prompting dealership to give them a free car!

About to watch the video. Already way more excited than I should rightly be (no, not because the 488)

America! Fuck yeah!!

Cause their car is tits, man!

All this video shows is how wrong honda went after the S2000. What single thing from it possibly went in that orange pos?