Evil Minion

The future of this trend will be to install those speakers on the outside of a car so everyone else can hear your cool engine sounds too!


It’s all about the firing order, not the cylinder count. Just like how a Ferrari V8 vs a Corvette V8 make two entirely different sounds no matter what you do to the exhaust.

I would take the Ripsaw over that sandwich.

Well it beats being a mini tool...

Yeah, thanks for putting such a negative spin on the article and riling up a bunch of ignorant people. Job well done

Just make sure they wear their seat belts in the back...

Very likely it's just a site to develop and test the next generation of military hardware. The super intense security is likely more for keeping out other government's spies, rather than your average joe. But obviously the only way to reliably do that is to just keep out EVERYBODY.

Never knew that! That's awesome, and one more reason I love Google way too much.

Sadly it took me a second to realize what that flag is supposed to be. Brilliant, and I am saving that for future use!

Me thinks you did it wrong. Or have a very different definition. It’s not fast, but it loves to go sideways in a very fun way :-)

Impressive. I feel like that has to be some inside joke among the engineering or design teams who made it back then. Either that or nobody took a step back to look at the overall finished design there

wow... I really hope that’s photoshopped lol

...which is a bloody long time in drag racing. So, not close. Just finally evenly matched on launch traction.

Ditto. Hyundai, feel free to use this statement as a contractual obligation to purchase if you sell it in the US under 40k.

I’ll trade in the BRZ in a heartbeat if this is sold in the US under 40k. This, or maybe a V8 genesis coupe.

I'd say more like Hellcat. The Veyron was an actual engineering marvel of technology. This and the Hellcat are just big boosted engines in something relatively simple.

Did nobody notice the car is an automatic??

Why is it an automatic??

I actually strongly considered trading in the BRZ for this when I first saw the looks and the weight.