Evil Minion

Yeah, but what cop is going to attempt a pit maneuver in a car worth twice his salary? :-p

On the engine cleaning topic, what's a good way to quickly clean out a bay without spending hours with various chemicals and small brushes in all the nooks and crannys?

They proved otherwise, that's what happened :-)

This is the same road I plan to follow just as soon as I can get a house with a garage. Well done! I feel like the IMS issue is very exaggerated, though I'm ok with that if it keeps prices down till I get my hands on a 997.

Why has nobody photoshopped this into a proper longtail yet?

Should have just called it the 666LT

This makes it look like some strange 3 wheeled car, with training wheels stuck on the back. Really not a fan of the looks. Hopefully seeing it in person will change my mind, but none of the pictures are doing it for me...

And now I need new underwear. Thanks for that...

Actually there's even more madness to the AWD system than you think: a second transmission! Mounted to the front of the crankshaft, that drives the front wheels, but only up to 60mph, because it's only a 2 speed... all because low center of gravity (and crack).

If they didn't more the engine to the rear... or at least cool the rear brakes... these don't belong here! I thought this fake mustang scoop crap stopped

Alternate-side parking is how Manhattan pretends to keep its streets clean. Every monday and tuesday, parking is banned on one side of a street block for an hour and a half so that a street sweeper can come by. Every tuesday and friday, the other side of the block gets the same treatment.

Welcome to how the military works, and where your tax payer money goes... Not really a new concept. Still messed up, but nothing new.

I worry about kids these days. Young folks. The youths, as I understand they call themselves. I worry that even if they work hard and get good jobs and make money and achieve, they may never know the sweetness of a good V8 luxury car.

Repairing that transmission is going to cost a pretty penny. And by repair, I mean replace it with a proper manual.

Cover for the tow hook mounting threads behind the bumper.

Someone get the helmet guy a new pair of underwear...

Now that's one hard working Mexican!

Only his soul died a little, just bring being in such a car.

Each truck is using only 37,500 gallons of fuel, not 5.4 MILLION. As has been pointed out by another person, please fix basic math.

Yeah, definitely this. Andrew ended up multiplying 450,000 by 12, instead of dividing by 12. Rookie mistake!