
Epistle is gone!

Sonora is just another player. I thought it could have solved one big problem faced by Mac users who do not user another iMpbileDevice and use other devices like Android. That problem is syncing music to non-iDevices. I do not understand how Sonora is useful other than just being a relatively simple app? If that's

Well, whatever happens South Korea is screwed if war erupts.


Fell from the grace. Again.

Can I use Raspberry Pi Model B with only my MacBook Air? I do not have an extra monitor. What basically shall I have to buy other than the RasPi Model B - SD Card, adapter, Some cable to connect to MacBook screen(which cable?), right?

Google's individual apps that you mentioned are free Gmail, Gtalk, Docs etc. Their "Google Apps" are pretty much same services on your own domain name i.e. your aquifel.something@gmail.com will become aquifel@whatever.com or whatever@aquifel.com or whateer@whatever.com and then using that email/account you will acess