This is a great response actually. Accurate and well thought out. It’s the same in the tech industry too. You have to keep up or basically get left behind. It sucks but it’s the way of the world’s that we all work in
This is a great response actually. Accurate and well thought out. It’s the same in the tech industry too. You have to keep up or basically get left behind. It sucks but it’s the way of the world’s that we all work in
It’s definitely input lag. I tried turning up the sensitivity to change it but it still felt really off and not playable. I was hoping they would patch the demo to give it a better feel because in its current state I definitely won’t be buying it. ) but aside from the big reveal I wasn’t really overly wowed by…
I guess they figured the demo was better then review copies ( I was not impressed with it)
Lucky for the other dev the prey demo sucked so if their game is good confusion would do Bethesda a favor
And psp. Ps One games have never been playable on PS4 though so that’s why. It’s been on PSN for a while I think.
No I mean legend the ps1 game. It’s 1.99 on psn.
Hey hey we aren’t all bad fans :).
That’s what I keep hearing about it. I may just break down And get it before the sale ends
HZD is amazing you’ll love it
I like your thought process :)
Thanks. I didn’t know that about the PSP bit.
SOLD! Can’t wait to get into that.
Totally bought P4G and Mega Man Legends one off this sale. Stupid prices. Was going to by Y’s Celceta as well but figured I need to finish these two first.
Knowing Nintendo, that means yes, there is going to be one
Somehow a friend and I were able to beat contra without the code waaaaaaaay back in elementary school. Of course we would also spend all day playing it. But still even we couldn’t believe it was possible
I do agree that I feel pitchers had to stand in there would be less likelyhood of them trying to hit someone for fear of retaliation
Watched all 6 and this is cool. Can’t wait to see where it goes
I basically did a bunch of side quests and at one point just started exploring the map. That’s probably how I ended up at level 50. Though I think I hit 50 after I had finished the actual game itself.
Man seeing pictures like this just makes me want MORE Horizon. DLC, a new game. Anything.
There is a reason I never ever trust app store reviews that are 5 stars.