I think the worst part about this is no eververse. All the purchases people made they will lose. Granted that may have been something to consider. but that sucks.
I think the worst part about this is no eververse. All the purchases people made they will lose. Granted that may have been something to consider. but that sucks.
I loved this one up until the plot twist. And then I instantly hated it. UGH. Why this one? Whhhyyyyy
Also is that door bothering anyone else? It’s really bothering me. Damnit I am old. I need to leave this article lol
Maybe I’m like, old n stuff, and I get some reaction videos (which I still think are stupid), but why are we watching someone watch anime in 2017? I’m gonna chalk this up to I just don’t get it cause I’m not the target demo. *walks off grumbling about kids these days*
Maaaan I cannot wait to play this.
Well thanks to sony and their sales ( ow my wallet) Probably Borderlands Handsome collection, and DMC4.
Some of them are cross platform but still Sony so that counts. Your fanboyism is totally showing btw
what? Ratchet and clank, Uncharted 4, Killzone Shadow Fall, Bloodborne, Infamous Second Son, LBP 3, Kingdom Hearts, MLB The show, The Last of Us, The Last Guardian, Gravity Rush 2, Tear Away, Until Dawn, etc. And not to mention more are releasing. Sure they didn’t all come out at launch but no console does. Just don’t…
I read this article. And the first thing that popped in my head was:
You aren’t alone. I don’t get it either. None of them are really funny, or edgy. Just stupid and annoying. But then I’m also not their target demo.
That music screams “me too!” of the edgy dubstep/electro scene at the time. I feel like Nintendo does that a lot though and not just with music.....*braces for incoming impact*
Growing up I was fortunate to be in schools in the Baltimore County area where I was with groups of kids from all over. Many different backgrounds, and races. It was great in learning about other people and getting to know different cultures. More then that some of my teachers were instrumental in my life and career.…
This is cool thanks for sharing. Today I learned something new!
The worst part about this is it makes me still not want to shop at Gamestop ( I mostly buy digital and on amazon or at target ). The only time I go to gamestop is if I have a gift card but even then I’ll just use it for a PSN card. What I feel really bad about is the employees. I don’t want to hurt anyome’s bottom…
Man I really need to stop replying on my phone........autocorrect UGH
yeah basically the same scenario. They built housing around it to try and revitalize the mall, that failed. So now demolish it and do something with it. What we do not know.
Nah. It’s one right near where I live in Balitmore. Owings Mills Mall. http://www.abandonedamerica.us/owings-mills-mall
Yes they do
And you get free music and streaming videos too. Win win!
Agreed. The only reason I do set foot in there now is if someone gave me a gift card