
right that’s what I was curious about as well considering the specs on it. It’s got to be kind of expensive. It just seems like a really quick turn around for something like this with a potentially high cost.

definitely a new novel approach for consoles, but depending on the cost of the device I personally can’t say I’m willing to shell out for a new device anytime soon. But at least there is the option of doing so.

it makes me wonder why they even bothered with a slim with this beast coming out

This is the best answer. Kudos!

ok that makes sense. Thanks!

So wait is this a xbox 4.5 or a brand new console? I’m confused. It seems kinda early in the cycle for a new machine already.

That’s a pretty good idea for them especially with cross play between PC/Xbox.

Asking the real questions

Whatever happens I really want a new Devil May Cry

Reggie and his enthusiasm always make me smile. And I don’t own a Nintendo console lol

This. Looks. AWESOME

I never played the original but it looks like a fast moving Legend of Mana. It looks very cool

I just bought one and I like it.

I just bought one and I like it.


That's a bummer

Great article. Also I really think the way they ended this series was perfect. It really wrapped it all up and I’ve probably gone back and played that epilogue a dozen times just because it’s so well done. Now I just need to replay the game again

I love seaside locations in games. My one wish is there were more games that further explores the underwater bits. Uncharted 4 and ac4 had great underwater sections. And ratchet has some fun swimming around in pokitaru, but I'd love something like ever blue 2 on ps4. I'm always wanting more underwater exploration

if you say so :D. ( though I was not intentionally slamming anyone just listing out exclusives) Never thought it would get some of the comments it generated. Gaming has def changed from when I was a wee lad.

Shit I might have just cause it to be delayed again!! NOOOOOO ;)

then why do it? lol.