
I burned about 5 of them and got no exotics. Though i did get some new helmets from xur for my hunter

Yeah I was a little salty about that. I had some favorite weapons from the raids too. On the other hand this at least gives you reason to try new stuff. But most mmo style games tend to do the same thing

It feels like a whole new game though with how things changed. I’ve been playing Destiny since the beta. The expansion is great.

That’s the best way to do it. I can vouch cause I’m married. Though she is not a morning person so I pack the lunches.

I think it’s for everyone from year 1 from what I can tell?

This is why I can't get into it. It's so slow and just doesn't hold my attention.

Thank you for making my work day better

Oh man I love how they hinted in there that he dropped him with the hunter golden gun. That was fantastic

The only thing I do with gamestop now, is trade in a game and use the credit for a PSN card. I’ve basically just kinda quit shopping with them

Playing Vigilante 8 ALL NIGHT with my friends. Also the PS boot up sound will forever be followed by Resident Evil 2 in my mind.

Are you on ps4? My group loves running Crota and would probably be willing to do vault with you.

Did you try the destiny Sherpa page on reddit? They are trying to help everyone get it. We used them for vog hm and it went super smooth. Skolas sucks so bad though. My fire team had tried 3 times and kept running out of time cause it got to late but finally beat him. Good luck

Jake is not happy

Nice. I like that around I think 30th street? the Salty Dog Saloon flies Steelers and the bar across the street flies Ravens flags.

That looks like Ocean City.

I love this one: “Somehow everyone in Baltimore is under the impression that the Seven Nation Army chant originated here.” Mainly because I have had this conversation with a bunch of friends who swear up and down that the Orioles stole that from the Ravens. Despite the fact that the Ravens are not the first team to do

I think the most painful one was when I was buying FF13 on PS3 and the guy at the counter kept trying to get me to preorder Madden on an xbox. I told him at least 3 times I did not own an xbox and I did not care about Madden. Pretty much all my gamestop experiences mirrored that from then on. So I basically just

I’m glad to see him doing so well out there. He was a nice guy when he was with the O’s just had bad luck here. It’s great to see him being a legit ace and finding success out there.

That intro back as a kid 100% blew my mind. I still love it and the music

I agree with that.