I just filled it out for Maryland and got a confirmation code. I suppose this means i got in? Guess we will see
I just filled it out for Maryland and got a confirmation code. I suppose this means i got in? Guess we will see
Nice. That seems decent.
Did they give away anything last year like they are doing this year? If so what was it? Just curious cause I can't get through on the site
but shit...it was 99c
This is getting out of control
Bought 5 engrams from Xur to try to get one. Got it from the first one. When RNG likes me it REALLY likes me. And when it hates me it REALLY hates me ( like giving me universal remote from the nightfall 3 weeks in a row lol )
Edit: *Never mind I read the old article just now*. It it a patch? Or will they be putting it up for everyone to download and try?
Really they are missing a golden opportunity here. Just have people piss in cups, then sell it as Natty Boh :D
I love these patrol events like this. It gets so many people involved and then whoever has been finding the chest first is jumping around like a mad man trying to let others know they found it
Laughing so hard. This is fantastic
I’m excited! still love the AC games.
Konami must be kicking themselves right about now
Could be foresight on their part. Excited Iga is making games again and I'm curious to see what Kojima does when he leaves. Heck I'm curious what happens to all the konami IPs after all this goes down
I totally can’t blame you. Honestly I only bought a 64 a few years after it had been out and I could get one on the cheap for 60 bucks. I had a sega saturn then psone during that gen. Didn’t feel like shelling out 80 bucks for a cartridge game then
Yes exactly. Wii sports and wii fit being such huge runaway successes with everyone except the core audience I think sold it. (even my Mom bought a wii lol) It probably also changed their mentality which you can see from some of the games and peripherals now. (I’m looking at you amiibos). I’d love a new Metroid, but…
I’ve been a fan of them since nes (yeah I’m old) but around the Wii era was where I felt like things started moving in a direction I didn’t like. Snes was my favorite console they made. But after that I jumped platforms to PSOne, though I always had a Nintendo handheld. (Did also own a 64 and Wii). It seems to me they…
Got it. So I guess in my case where I have everything leveled to where I want there isn’t a reason unless I trade them for motes to get stuff from xur or re roll new legendaries. Thanks!
This could really work I think. Hopefully when hollywood gets a hold of it they don’t screw it up.
My biggest question with this expansion is will all the shards still be useful. From what I’ve seen it doesn’t look like they will be needed except for vault armor.