
Yeah I hear that.

I know I own a smart phone myself. I was just joking with the constant upgrade cycle. Either way though I still wouldn't need to replace my watch for a fancy newer model because it's eventually not compatible

The apple watch confuses me. Why spend that much on something that will have a new version in 6 months and needs to be recharged when I could spend the same on a really nice watch that won't need to be upgraded

I was at a park as a kid and couldn't make it to the men's room up a hill in time. It was bad

I’ll have to make a point to watch one. He always just kinda seems to have an attitude of “players gonna be players” or something like that

Ned Yost doesn’t really seem to care from what it looks like.

It seems like he just gets upset anytime someone gets a hit on him. Which is weird cause you’re a pitcher...it’s gonna happen

I am really hoping that happens soon. Imagine what’s going to happen when he has to step into the batter’s box

Hopefully he doesn't end up being body slammed like Greinke. It seems like what he is doing is hurting the team now more then helping

I played the pre episode and this “The invisible random encounter rate is obscenely high.“ is 100% true. Also I felt like once I hit the underground with the demon doors the difficulty spiked waaaaaay up and you did not have nearly enough potions etc to deal with the door encounters.

There has been another one with the PSP Media Go not working properly. Can’t even connect to the store to download stuff :/. Especially since the psp doesn’t work with WPA2 and you can’t connect it to your ps4. (coughendedupmoddingitcough)

After that pitch was thrown it was totally expected. He has a habit of doing this after the O’s throw at, near him etc. Not surprised. Also not surprised they won since they have basically pwned Norris so far this season.

Yeah I saw the coat hanger and was like WTF. My season plan also gave me tickets to that LOL Mets giveaway day. Looking forward to the hoodie though

I cannot give you enough stars.

I would have to agree with you there.

oh sweet. I remember seeing an article about that before. I can totally get behind this kickstarter

The Royals are quickly becoming the most hated team it seems.

Maaaan I want wipeout to be on PS4 so bad. Think of how gorgeous that would look. Sol II is still one of the most gorgeous tracks


And Schoop is injured and on the DL now :(