I'm probably in the minority, but it's not a horrible song. I've certainly heard MUCH worse. I think the cheese factor is upped 100% by the video.
I'm probably in the minority, but it's not a horrible song. I've certainly heard MUCH worse. I think the cheese factor is upped 100% by the video.
They sort of are though by telling people they are discontinuing them. It's saying "hey this thing is about to become hard to find"
This is exactly what I was thinking. Trying to force rarity by discontinuing some and hoping collectors bite.
I want this!
There is another guy that is SUPER annoying. Markiplier or something like that. I saw one of his Five Night's at Freddies videos and was immediately turned off by the fake over acting and just annoyingness in general.
Yup. I will forever associate that sound byte with RE2 booting up right after it. That was my first PSone game aside from Vigilante 8 ( which I had countless hours of fun with)
I actually do agree with this. Many times when I've got time to game and I sit down to play it's update time! So either I push the update off til later and just play offline, or wait for the update and cut down my game time. BOOOO. I can actually see this causing me to stop eventually just due to life constantly…
Same with the original. Loved the music, but that game took like no time at all to beat. So much fun though.
Not sure if anyone remembers the Gameboy TMNT game but maaaan I LOVED that thing
A Devil May Cry Complete Collection. With ALL the games on in it. Knowing that was on PS4 I'd be more inclined to make the jump
I'm pretty guilty of pre ordering things, though usually only when it's something I really really want. ( Rogue, Destiny, Uncharted etc) It's a sad state of affairs with how the most recent AAA games have been released lacking features (Destiny), really buggy (Unity), or just broken (Halo, Drive Club). Heck I'm even…
This makes me rethink game purchases at launch :(
Hi. I'm EvilAbdy and I'm addicted to Destiny.
Great review. I agree with you as I really enjoyed the story of Rogue. I actually liked it so much it caused me to skip a lot of the side stuff in this game. Next up, going back and getting to all the side stuff that was skipped.
This kind of stuff makes me want to not buy and support any game with Micro Transactions in it. This is absurd. I can understand paying for in game map packs and expansions, but really? This? come on.
Bring it on!
I'm still having fun with it regardless of the lack of content. I mean really it's no different then other MMOs I've played in terms of grinding etc. Plus the gunplay is fun.
Loved the story of the game myself. Haven't done much aide stuff aside from in abstergo. The story kept me going straight through
I was talking to a few friends about this and were all talking about how we really used to enjoy the fact that when you got a console game, you popped it in, and it worked. Right away. no day 1 patches etc. It just worked.
I had friends who HATED facing Ike in the previous game. I always loved Ike, cause while he was slow he was a power house if you could use him well.