
I hope she was insured then...

This would be great. I still have cousins in Norway and this would be much easier than using Google translate every time.

Just posted this on my mother in law's facebook wall. Probably should have read all the posts first....of man.

I know.

Man I wish this was coming to the ipad!

I believe the Ninth Circuit has already ruled this way. Which means Gawker Media in the Bay Area have been okay (if you can call them that) for awhile.

Chaz Bono?

Well I guess Palin can see Russia from her back yard...

My wife is so scared to go to the dentist she has to be drugged up to the point of obvlivion.

I never saw the plans, but I think it was just a Mixed-use building.

I was suppose to work on the original project slated for that site...to bad cause Greenlake is one beautiful place when the sun is out.

I think I'm gonna pick one up and pray someone gets android on it.

For a C note, I think this would be worth it. I have an iPad 1, but all I really use it for is for the interwebs and having another one to watch movies on and not worry about the kids breaking it would be worth it.

Good for him!

I wonder how much d I'd have suck to work on this project.

I think Chicago is the only place in the Midwest I coud live. And one of two places not on the west coast I'd live in for an extendederiod of time.

Sure and not all Mormons have multiple wives.

seriously! This would be the best feature they can add. Now if they'd add an option to remove all the one start movies I'd be in heaven.


Smoking crack with a gold plated filter?