
Well since it is a foregone conclusion that Blizzard will release these skins. Its like buying your favorite teams jersey. I hope they implement a way for players to change skins while waiting for the game to star. You know so that people can coordinate skins even when they never coordinate plays.

“Arby’s, Isn’t there anywhere else we could eat.”

Do you have a cat or small children, then back roll.

I have to ask why amazon is selling the switch for 360 USD? Is it because I’m in Singapore and geotagging me?

I have to ask why amazon is selling the switch for 360 USD? Is it because I’m in Singapore and geotagging me?

Wait. There’s a RE 2 remake?
!!! What!When!
I need details!

I swear the song started playing in my head when I saw the pic.

Can I get a remake of FFVI in this style, Please.

He’s just going for a backstab critical hit. Duh.

How many chapters was that? I need to know if I won the betting pool.

Why is there still a shortage of this in Japan!

Remember guys, just like in nature, diversity is a good thing. Homogeneity leaves systems vulnerable to sudden upheavals as they can’t react fast enough or can only react a certain way.

Thanks, though I’m not in the US.

I do have an account with a 3rd party shipper since I’ve bought some stuff from before.

How much for those Splatoon cards? Do they ship internationally?

“Amused”. What? Does he do stand-up in front of them?

She went in the suit with her boots on! How did that fit?

Now playing

Double XP weekend on Overwatch so maybe grind that for a bit.

Yeah, I stopped maining Lucio. I just dont find playing him enjoyable any more. Switched to D.Va/Mei, so much better. Sure, I may have de-ranked but I’m enjoying the game more.


Finally! Time to re-read the previous chapters. Really got confused on who was where doing what...