Kyle Geddes

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public.

That video was really draining, I had a sinking feeling at the start but the flow of the piece shows just how many faucets of energy are on tap.

Right here, just outside the car! (tires screech as car peels out, and away)

More intelligent people only really makes a difference if they have free reign to apply their intelligence to solving problems. No matter how smart or dumb people are, our economy depends on a lot of people being consigned to poorly paid jobs with minimal prospects, and held in those jobs by the threat of joining the


Go figure.

It would mess up the perfect ratio to kick him off and not replace with another Ginger; however subbing in a Red Golden Retriever would get rid of so much shouting, add a degree of compliance and give the other hosts some bit of pet therapy while they wait to say their lines. Win Win If I do say so myself.

It depends how many gears your transmission has

Chris Evans is still a prat and the show would be better without him.

“We don’t want your opinions, but here’s mine.” - Some Entitled Internet Fuck

“Really don’t need your political opinion on guns bud.”- But let me give you my opinion... /facepalm

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

Silly design. Should have vehicle power from driving lights so it charges itself if needed. A power tap to the backup light should trigger the BT interface to connect automatically and launch the app by itself, hands free.

Not sure what your qualm is, he said it right.

This naming scheme should apply to all the things:

Yes. It keeps tip in throttle performance crisp, as the vacuum that the engine produces doesn’t act on the venturi quick enough to keep the engine from going lean and stumbling.

“We’ve reached out to Best Buy for comment on this hilarious matter.”

I designed one for my Nexus 6p:

Huh - I do that all the time, never a problem. Maybe British grease is more soluble than American grease. Spitfire and Range Rover parts have both gone through the dishwasher. Though I don’t put them in with dishes!