Kyle Geddes

I'm still feeling the Nexus 5. Almost the same footprint as the iPhone 6, but bigger display. I tend to like the nexus aspect ratio better as well.

you lost me when you said your DD was an investment.

I bet it was often towed behind a motor-home, and that is to help prevent rock chips.

It's probably someone with a sense of humor learning to weld.

I can almost guarantee that the general public will have no idea that this car is made in China. Case in point: the number of people who are oblivious to the fact that the Toyota Camry is on the list of "Most American Cars." (It is, get over it).

I bet you are too young to remember when they said that about Japan.

I think you just invented Charlize Theron

I swear to god, once this ice bucket challenge started the portrait video uploads has gone through the roof.

Is there anything better than a fast sedan?

Saying mass and weight are the same is like saying velocity and speed are the same. In both cases they are related by a common property, but they are not equivalent. They are not "the same".

I know PLENTY of intelligent couples that have straight up dumbass kids, and vice versa. Genetics is not the only force at work here.

Ok, define "intelligent", If intelligent means paid leaves which means less profit for companies and proper funding for scientific research that doesn't make corporations money because it leads to free energey etc. then that's not intelligent at all, it's practical it's ideal, it's intelligent for corporations to have

Even if the population of intelligent people was greater it wouldn't mean that the world would be a better place. An intelligent person isn't more inclined to be altruistic. There are plenty of intelligent people who are petty and biased little turds out to get what they want at the expense of others.

Really, Eugenics is where you go? Troll much?

It would make it purer-er right?????


I am not saying a man is not a man if he does not love using a chainsaw, but he sure has a harder case to build.

"I thought Cash for Clunkers got rid of this shit..."

are you pulling me over because i'm black?

It was smoking a big cigarette.