Kyle Geddes

Vapes don’t explode, Samsung Phones don’t explode, “Hover boards” don’t explode. Lithium batteries explode. Cheap, or abused lithium batteries explode. That’s the story here.

***Update*** Bernie has responded by sending the kidnappers a Subway gift card, and a thank you note. Mother-in-laws.. yeesh!

Love the sheer joy of his smile when it fires up... which reminds me, i have a chainsaw carb to rebuild... :)

RAV4 rhymes much easier than hyundai elantra ;)

Hmm.. so would have to un-pair with stereo while listening to music, to pair with my licence frame to park?

Can’t believe he missed... didn’t get a single one of em!

I think this is an accurate reflection or current reality. I sincerely hope this boat is emblazoned with the name Boaty McBoatface.

Cool story bro.

Pretty sure you just have a terrible dishwasher or bad soap. Mine cleans car parts, gun parts - it even removed cosmoline from an old russian SKS with no problems. And my dishes sparkle.

so the point there is to just dump some fuel down the bore of the carb until there is enough air movement to operate the real jets?

What is the fuel just basically pouring out of the widgets topped with the phillip’s head bolts on the left and right side? is that an idle path/channel?

This is exactly how I imagine it looks and sounds when I take my FR-S to the grocery store. Don’t try to tell me anything different.

Except they don’t, and they also honour the licensing in a way that allows folks like Jide to do releases like this. Take your negative nancy bullshit out of here, this is a good thing.

He’s an indo-canadian, who happens to be Sikh (not a sikh-canadian).

Watched the whole thing. No actual rockets were fired.


Definitely subjective.. I know people that can’t stand the smell to the point of nausea. Me, the taste is of the finest, creamiest, of custards imaginable. And natural to boot. Love it!

Yep.. I had done the same in the past, and the response was the same... hence why I now just say; thanks, it’s sold.

My response to every ‘low baller’ or weirdo is simply; “thanks for your interest, the car/item just sold”. No time wasted, and you reinforce the message that clearly, the asking price has been considered correctly (otherwise it wouldn’t have been sold). Then you simply wait for a proper offer to come along. I’ve

“Carpet Burns”

HVAC disguised as old fashioned radio!