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Strictoaster is one of my favorite YouTubers and this is my favorite video of his. It’s real Sunday watching—in it, he makes a highway connection as a tunnel, decides he hates it, and then redoes it as an overpass. Even edited down, this takes 40 minutes. His perfectionism is meditative. Enjoy.

I couldn’t say it better myself, seriously.

Which leads to the most important question. Are John Boyega and Rinko drift compatible?

Yeah, you’re telling me. :( Twitter apps for Windows are VERY rare, and I completely blame Twitter’s API limits for that fact.

Not that strange all things considered. A lot of people didn’t like III as much. And with the re-release of II recently, 1+1=2

That’s right! It could erupt later this afternoon and probably will... We’re wasting our time cutting back on carbon emissions. The cows will just fart more. Plus, China. And whales. The best thing we could do is increase our carbon emissions because carbon turns into diamonds, and diamonds are forever.

You forgot Yellowstone Supervolcano being 40,000 years overdue for an eruption.

I'm ok with this. I mean, I like the show but the last season wrapped up pretty well.

We should totally not do anything at all about our carbon emissions because this. And cow farts. And China.

Found this, haven’t tried it though, DLing it now.

I can finally replace my Moto x 1st gen.

He’s exactly the one I thought of when I saw the last one with the meme mash-ups. Was disappointed they didn’t put him in there, so I immediately got to work. I wanted them next to photogenic guy, but there’s two women in the foreground of the original photo, so putting them up front didn’t look right.

I been around fires with helicopters working, but I can’t imagine what its like having this bad boy making low passes every now and then.

Looks like they had almost everything type of aerial resource working.

Le Mans had and uses a 3 light leader light system which only gives you top 3 in class and lets you know that everyone else is outside that so you cant tell 4th place from a lapped car.

This works as well if you want to get fancy $14.

Oh yeah? Why should I trust you?