

I'm going to buy this game day 1, then I'm going to start it, cut all those watermelons carefully into the tiniest possible pieces, then I will stop and never play it again.

For all the good things Diablo 3 does...

When you get to level 60, the real game starts... but the drops continue to be poor,

What bothers me is that the game is incomplete, I want PVP

What about a future where every car is connected to the internet and you pay people to control your car remotely and drive you to any destination?

If I still had my star, I'd promote this comment,

Where's my star, am I not a sheriff anymore? :(

Apologies to all the Michaels of the world, it had to be done :)

Maybe it was the nature of the character itself, but "Meet The Spy" was by a long shot my favorite one...

We are all inside the Matrix, Keanu controls it, I have known this for several operation cycles

Promoted for "Battle Arena Toshinden" reference

both ps3 and xbox360 games can be 1080p, but the actual picture is almost always just 720p or below and then gets upscaled

he builds iPads in a factory somewhere.

Number 1 looks very charming, very nice work

I don't live in the US where most of the local community is, so I don't have first hand experience outside of the interwebz, but I get what you are saying

I've watched a lot of Street Fighter streams, including the yearly EVO coverage with Mr Killian, and I've read some interviews with him

Congrats! I'm on the other end of the scale, I'm normal size but I love eating a lot of good stuff... sweets, pizza, chocolate etc

People caring for each other is gay, like two dicks touching: first is like "What the...!" then you go... "ok. yeah I like this, this can't be gay!"

Everybody works on a budget. It's naive to think otherwise