I can't wait for Duke Nukem Forever 2!
I can't wait for Duke Nukem Forever 2!
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 got totally ignored...
This is totally sexist, as a man I am as capable to kill tangos as any woman!
I've played MGS games upside down and downside up
but If you already own a PS3 like me, then... it will probably cost the same to buy a full Wii U than a PSVita
I'm pretty skeptical about this, on one hand it sounds like a fresh concept, but at the same time it feels gimmicky and very niche (playing while "watching" TV, or while your partner sleeps? come on...)
I have some left from my last Monochromacy party, you want some?
what's a "Star Wars"? is it some new fad the kids are into nowadays?
how many characters are there in Mortal Kombat, 30?
when she is 40 she is going to be rolling down hill like Donkey Kong's barrels,
This game is so ugly, the artists working on it had to get drunk to look at it.
I would totally V her Armored Core, if you know what I mean...
a Diablo-esque game for pc that came out in... 99 or so? amazing for its time
Diablo III looks ok, no harm done
that's some useful spelling moustache right there.
I really hope the setting evolves to a more gothic feel as the game progresses, I'd like a more religious undertone to the story, a classic good vs evil tale in gothic medieval times if you will...