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"Why would I punch superman, that's just stupid."

Too much black on this screenshots, I can't see a thing on #12

@MoBoRoS: gravity is always bringing me down! :(

that only means that there is an gigantic earth somewhere orbiting around that gigantic sun, filled with gigantic people.

@bakagaijin: @Zwonked: I'm going to go watch Clownboy Beepot right away!

@Foxhack: I remember watching a video with them recently, I didn't know the guy that made them passed away... that's too bad :(

Evil Ryu and Evil Ken

@F-1: That would be a pretty cool idea, it'd take the fourth wall and just shoryuken it

@pandafresh: If they show me their game, I'd totally press it!

Is it all in first person? I hope that includes the sex scenes

@FellGrey: @The Cap'n: you are all geniuses, you really are. I'd pay top dollar to be able to beat Ryu with... words

is this a new kleenex ad?

ah, I see you used quotation marks...

the trailer immediately reminded me of Max Payne... don't know why, maybe for being noir, depressing or twisted... or the voiceover


this franchise is getting stale, it needs some new additions and pronto!

Cammy hasn't found a good Underwear drop yet. thank god