
torchlight was like methadone for an old Diablo II player such as myself until I can get a hold of the real deal

they are going free because they feel guilty about ruining all those people's lifes....

@uglyteradon: you actually made it sound more interesting than it really is... I mean that

@magnakaiser: why wasn't I invited to this party, I would have loved to offer an alternative to all this ladies :(

2300$ for sex toys...

oooh sad times,

@thecast: call me old fashioned then.

I always liked that Glados felt like she was trying to sound human

@Altima NEO: Epic. if I made a Sonic game... this would be the menu music :)

the script got leaked, this just in:

Best Character Design: Portal 2

I hope the pilot has uber micro

@Zerorush: you, like me, will probably end up in the cinema watching this abomination anyway...

@-MasterDex-: is this the queue to harass people that don't like Queen?

@daknight: haven't, but I'm still wearing my skeptical hat

Kirby's Epic Thread... starts here!