
Post all you like, there will always be PC elitists out there to say how much better their PC can make it look.

Story is the weakest part of the MGS series???? Lol everyone complained that the games had TOO much story for them to handle. Who the f wrote this? lol

Who's cutting onions up in here damn it!

Now playing

Well, given that Snake, with no augs what so ever, managed to defeat more than 1 metal gears in multiple occasions. (I doubt Jensen could ever take down a Metal Gear Rex)

Who would win in a fight; Adam Jensen or Solid Snake?

WTF did I just watch. The essence of the last century was almost overwhelming.

That,... WAS AMAZING. Exactly how I always imagined it going down!

Wow, that was actually pretty awesome. Or maybe it's just appealing to my nostalgia for crappy VHS recordings.

That's pretty cool.

This is some serious Power Ranger style shit.

Man, I always dig Sony's commercials. They're so well done. Can't think of a single one in the past 5+ years that I didn't like. And yes, I'm even talking about the strange Chris Cunningham video and the strange baby video.

Hahah who thought that was real? It's Tony Hawk not Tony Stark. He doesn't know how to build hover boards.

The amount of stupidity the humans posses in Transformers movies is staggering.

oh look a good SEGA game, but we wont get it, cause they want to throw us another shit sonic sequel instead...... yeaaah thanks dudes. Man at least they know that we hate these sort of games, just like Phantasy Star Online 2 you know despite warframe on steam a similar style of game doing EXTREMELY WELL.

Oh I know, doesn't make it any less cool.

Loki sounds well like Cam Clarke, liquid snake

You can't fool me, replicant!