
Use your property to grow food. When I got married, my wife and I moved into an Italian neighbourhood; nobody had lawns, just vegetable gardens. My next door neighbour gave us a welcoming gift of her home made antipasto; delicious. I dug up our lawn and planted veggies asap.

Ladies and gentlemen but especially ladies, the ‘Poison Dwarf’ is no friend of yours. His paternalistic god does not imagine that women have a voice.

Well, this will save a whole new generation of young women from various injuries and long lasting issues with their feet (bad news for podiatrists though).

When the criminal justice system is more punitive (we all know how shitty that process can be) than the university, Texas A&M has some splainin to do.

Best on clay I’ve ever seen; I’ve been watching for 60 years.

Man you should have seen the Hamilton Tigercats old playing field at Ivor Wynn Stadium; yards from out of bounds was a brick wall. Many, many players new to the league ended careers and almost lives over the decades before it was replaced.

From the owner on down, the Senators team is a total shit show. Feel for the fans cause the circus will continue for the foreseeable future.

We’ve all seen this set up before but this is the finest.

Right on the nose, that’s why you see the missteps in the final laps. Seen in person, the height of barriers, the precision approach and body position needed in this gruelling event really is evident. It is technically, physically and mentally demanding.

We understand Kyrie, we know you are not here on an academic scholarship.

Thank you.

Welcome to the 20th Century Ireland; no one can ever accuse you of jumping on the latest fad.

Or you know, he could have some real balls of his own.

Why do all these backroom GOP guys look like they’d be so comfortable wearing a Gestapo leather coat?

Israel, this is not a good look; Chancellor Drumph’s embrace by you makes the Pogo quote very appropriate. ‘We have met the enemy, it is us.’

Is he going to fight men or women; he’s undefeated against the opposite sex.

Perfect shape for overweight American drivers, now they are not just restricted to F150's.

I’ve even forgotten whether it is in Japan or Korea.

Well this is a relief. I’ve been getting fed up about how my sex was being caught behaving badly every other day. Geez, women can be awful to themselves too, they don’t need us to do it to them. Hey, wait a minute, I get it, this is just another feminist plot to eliminate us. Yeah, that’s it.

Face it America, you just do not do good indigenous peoples interactions; robbery, theft, and genocide are more your style. Not one treaty out of hundreds were ever kept and no thinking person today is proud of the county’s record or today’s reality. Not one white American would change places with a Native American.