Her skill set on a normal young woman would put her in a job where “do you want fries with that” would be her go to question.
Her skill set on a normal young woman would put her in a job where “do you want fries with that” would be her go to question.
This should raise the intellectual discourse in the Republican Party. William F. Buckley Jr. must be spinning in his grave.
My thoughts exactly. Tom and Jim’s work to date is beyond meaningless/worthless. There was no subject, no mater how tame and uncontroversial that they couldn’t whitbread down to nothing. Hoping they’ll still try it though, an abysmal failure at this stage should save us from seeing Tom as an analyst on ESPN/Fox/NFL…
Now don’t be bringing in President Drumph’s comments to those fine peace officers, he was only joking. Rashaun just doesn’t have a sense of humour. Seriously America, start organizing for the mid-terms, get registered and vote the racists out. That’s how the right fought back against Obama, they worked hard to turn…
I think we still are underestimating America’s unwillingness to elect a woman to the highest office, especially one who is not a rabid right winger. That kept even educated and informed men and women voters from supporting Hillary to some extent.
Bravo, sugar (especially white refined) is addictive; labs rats were able to kick heroin easier than sugar water.
Phil was huge, biggest drive of all time....
Now I’d like to see someone dust off a Black Panther T-shirt; the pearl clutching would be hilarious.
Gawd how I miss her and I’m Canadian. The new First Lady (escort) is visiting us for her first unaccompanied foreign trip. We love the Obamas, so I don’t think the newcomer will receive a very warm welcome. We are not that polite!
Those fat faces absolutely terrify me and I’m a 73 year old white guy.
The trouble is that when people are frightened they look for quick and dirty solutions; we always turn to the man on the horse instead of the peace maker. Citizens give away their freedoms if the leader can keep the boogyman away. These dictators may fan the flames of fear but there has to be something there. …
Folks please don’t fly pets with airlines unless you can have them in the cabin with you. You are counting on too many human beings doing their job perfectly (usually at just above minimum wage). People handling baggage, monitoring holding areas and airline support staff are just not into their jobs enough. Would…
SNL Tell Melissa to break out the dancing shoes.
I’m all for the financial economy boost this kind of tourism can generate. I just think the rules of the hunt should be turned back to Masai times. You want to hunt an african lion, fine; no guns, no beaters, just one guide and a shield and a spear. Go get em boys.
They are just the thin edge of the Muslin Invasion; now grandparents, tomorrow third cousins twice removed. We’ll be drownded
Only in the UK; the Disneyland for eccentrics.
It seems a bit incongruous that the wealthiest nation in the world tells 80% of it’s citizens that they have to sell and pawn everything they own to get healthcare for their children. Just one weekend trip by Drumpf to the golf course of his choice would fund the treatments for hundreds of Colleens.
The thing I like best about Roger’s play is the seemingly nonchalance way he hits his shots and views the results. No macho huffin and puffin here, just a master at work. Reminds me of the way Fred Astaire danced, so cool, so calm, so collected and so great.
They move around until they find somewhere on your skin that is less sensitive to touch. That makes it easier for them to attach since you don’t notice it’s happening; places under waist bands, collars, bra straps are particularly popular.
That’s the way it works for Chancellor Drumph, he never puts in his own money, welches on payback and gets his name all over it.