
It will be messy when it happens. No gloves and chances are no leathers or boots either. Yikes!

Yeah, no way that kind of funding for public education and job training would do anything for racial inequalities.

Slap Shot III audition?

Really surprising they didn’t shoot it, being a black calf and all.

All the coaches at West Point better remember to have taxi fare on them, at all times.

Not much the Navy can do when those Chinese abortion doctors just rip the drone out of the water.

Outstanding interview Kathryn; Martha is such a talent and a wonderful ambassador for our country.

Good Canadian Kid

Reminds me of every coache’s mantra, ‘never give up on a play’.

That can be filed under “never fasten your seat belt, better to be thrown from the vehicle” theory. Actually as a volunteer firefighter/first responder, I’ve seen the results of children and adults being thrown from vehicles. Believe me, the child in this situation used up a lifetime of good fortune in this one

We are the winners, just sharing their lives.

Good Canadian Kid!

Exactly, his ‘art’ is below mediocre.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I watched my mother, one of the few women executives in the sixties, endure constant sexual harassment, less than equal pay for equal work and ultimately job termination because she had (and survived breast cancer). I’m looking at you Allied Chemical. Carlson, as

I’m sure interment is not imminent, perhaps just a sickle moon/star patch on muslims’ clothes would be enough.

Can’t wait till Drump takes credit for the sun rising (he’s not sure if it is in the east or west) the tides going in and out and of course, for the solar eclipse not going on forever.

If it was good enough for Pierre Elliot Trudeau, it is good enough for me.

And they say management doesn’t matter.

My take exactly. Tune in next week listeners, for the exciting conclusion.

Absolutely my first thought; Giuliani is perfect for Drump’s crew.