
I am rarely impressed by my sex but this is the result of humanity’s greatest curse, religion (with all the cultural taboos that are tacked on). All religions (except for the triple goddess) were made up by men however, who mostly were interested in power and controlling people. So ultimately you are right to hate the

Who knew this uncoupling would last longer than the marriage.

What a lovely young man.

Big prayers to the Goddess for Sarah, she has more work to do.

But the thing about Kris is, that she never stops digging; many lower points to come.

Regarding the Randy Johnson incident, I quote the old Quebecois, ‘dat bird went up like a pillow hit by lightning’.

No, only looks for criminal convictions/mental commitments etc. Hell, most law enforcement recruitment do not do a psychological evaluation.

What a blast from the past! The golden age (like because I was interested in open wheel racing then).

Quebec Nordiques rebirth will come via re-location (at the Vegas entry price) looking at you Carolina.

Thank the Goddess.

It is a shame when dementia moves on to the final mental breakdown phase. Move into hospice care Bernie.


I was thinking Putz but Willy is so much better.

FIFA will do nothing at this stage. Only if European and South American countries do not send teams will FIFA be forced to do something meaningful.

Oh please no. I grew up in the forties and fifties and believe me the bikini and subsequent spin offs were the best thing (maybe next to the mini) that fashion brought to my life.

Ali was not a great patriot like say the Donald; him of the twelve draft deferments.

Kara, you never disappoint, but this is special. Merci.

Really, less Yoko is best Yoko.

When you are living on land that was once part of a neighbouring sovereign nation’s, you are always looking over your shoulder a bit.

If ever.