What.... the hell was that. Awesome!
What.... the hell was that. Awesome!
The real issue early Judea/Christian tradition had with goats was the god Dionysius, the Greek god of wine and party hardy. In order to swing believers away from this most attractive god/worship (See Cabo on spring break) they made Dionysius (who had the lower body of a goat) evil, the devil.
The hand/eye coordination for hockey players is epic. Back in the day, on the ‘Superstars’ competition, the hockey guys always won the softball hitting part.
Fucking Dubai; human slavery, bribery, funding terrorism and now this. Hope the lion doesn’t suffer too much once his size and nature become a nuisance to his captor.
Good Canadian kid!
Tell your friend that some humans act on emotion, rarely engaging the part of the brain responsible for judgement. Some powerful maternal instinctual emotions were subverted into an irrational personal vendetta.
But to be fair, he pretended to be an American and wanted to be an American. I’m surprised Canada didn’t refuse his deportation (using the Ogolthrope precedent).
Obviously, he’s not very smart either. He failed to remember the New England Patriot phone protocol; break/destroy your cell phone.
My take exactly, the lucky bastard.
1964 Montreal winter, in my Austin Healy Sprite; first chiropractic visit followed and no repeat performances.
53 million in debt, it’s true, the customer is always right.
Madeleine, that was outstanding.
Waiting to hear how this is Obama’s fault.
I don’t get it. What do these guys have to gain by not ending this tax?The positives, politically and PR wise are immense yet they chose to be incredibly tone deaf.
I always thought that becoming a dad really mellowed Jehovah out.
Had a ‘72 in 500 cc; went like stink but handling was dodgy. Those triples put a lot of people in the hospital.
A nice twist on the father’s trip that a lot of NHL teams are doing. Guessing the language and manners will improve during this roadie.
Minor talent that is clearly not here on an academic scholarship.
Yet again my sex lets the species down; this is beyond medieval.