
FIFA World Cup bribery, corruption, shocking!

People in the entertainment business are in the fakery business. If you are really good at playing make believe, chances are you are struggling with interpersonal relationships. The whole, sword cuts both ways thing.

But they are not creaming their jeans over the prospect of attacking Iran/Russia/countries to be named later (See Afghanistan/Arak).

I’m sure he did bravely serve in the military ... no? oh! Why is it that GOP types who ducked serving, are the first to talk about the troops.

I know that America has a better chance at dealing with it’s gun problems than restraining the wedding industry but really people, it doesn’t need to be like this. For hundreds of years, average people did not spend on weddings. People dressed in their Sunday best, got flowers from gardens and the party/wedding feast

I figure it will take coaches like Hitch and AV 20 games to throttle the 3-on- 3.

Forecasting intermittent stupidity with periods of hubris.

QB should have brought a gun (open carry) to the practice; no problem there.

Cloudhury should move on to the pharmaceutical industry, he’s their kind of people.

My wish as well, sadly the funeral industry has lobbied well and it is illegal to do this, almost everywhere.

Aspiring entertainers, stay far away from this man and anyone else who promises such rubbish. Practice your craft and work, work, work (even if you are busking or doing summer stock. Even then you may not ‘make it’ but there are no shortcuts.

When children are put in this tug of war situation it never turns out well for them; usually the last thing the parents consider. The best thing would be adoption by a couple who had no connection to the natural parents.


This is totally ridiculous; if one of the missiles hits Israel we better prepare for the end of all things.

Hopefully this nimrod will never pass a background check to acquire firearms in the future.


Saw one just like it in my in -laws apartment parking, in Montreal, 1972.

Damn straight, I’ve seen people on the freeway, hold a mattress to the roof with twine and their hands, while they are driving. The idiot who caused the accident will never be held accountable.

What is happening is that the decline in the American educational system is reaping mediaeval, superstitious nonsense. As education levels go up, religious affiliations go down (especially the witchy crap).

Yeah, I think if this were happening to nurses or teachers the remedial action would be immediate.