
How old were you in the sixties? For me she was a strong, coherent voice in an amazing time of change. Sure, the torch has been passed but one can still appreciate the contribution.

Bill Simmons is a fool. In medieval times he would be wearing a silly cap and performing for Edward II.

Am I a bad person for hoping one of the honeymoons occurs in ISIS controlled territory?

Totally agree but she sure looks most incredible in that lounge chair.

A treat that such an important social pioneer and my personal hero is still here. She helped and is still helping things change for the better. Many more Gloria.

Bravo Marsha, better late than never. Unfortunately the spirit of McCarthyism is alive and well today. Environmental demonstrators are being labeled terrorists by our Harper led conservative government and the GOP wing nuts have tried to tie that label to the US environment movement.

Michael Sam needs to sign with Montreal. Two all-star seasons, then the NFL comes calling (see Cameron Wake).

Now lets not complicate things for our religious decision makers with a bunch of women folk nonsense and facts and such. Gawd created men first, so they get to decide things for all. Or not, you decide.

Gulp, totally awesome!

I would have loved to have attended the marketing meeting that spawned this winner.

I think when humans react emotionally, we rationalize the behaviour with whatever is at hand. Gods are of course, unassailable references.

Yeah, those assholes don't need Allah to tell them they can do what they want to do to women; they were doing the same stuff when they were worshipping thunder and lighting.

Nice piece, now where is the Chuck Bednarik obit?

The opening scenes in 'Tootsie' where Hoffman is auditioning for various roles, tells it all. "I can play taller, smaller, older, younger." What a meat market show business is.

I haven't seen anyone use a compact for forty years; wasn't sure they still existed.

Sgt. Ross sure has a thing for bikers; I'm surprised he's been getting away with this harassment for so long. Hopefully he can be transferred, at least, to a desk.

Thank you; you brought back a memory of me opening one of those things and there was powder everywhere.

As a child, I remember my mother and aunts having compacts with powder, puff and a mirror in them. Is this still a thing?

You are too kind.
