
*what could I have possibly expected. This site's edit function doesn't seem to be ... functional.

I understand its marketing, trying to get people into a game they previously would have not. Feeling as though why start now, in the 3rd series.

I hate Final Fantasy. It's ridiculously dumb. That is all.

Is it wrong to feel burned for buying these at full price and NOT getting a dynamic theme and avatar?

I had a Zippo, and a really cool one. They said I couldn't even take the working bits out and keep the case.

I've had a lighter confiscated...

Noah's Ark not religious, only a fable? Uh...

Bottom line with the Uncharted series: it consistently makes buyers/players happy. You are, obviously, in the extreme minority in thinking otherwise.

Mine's not on there... phew.

Ah, reddit.

Why would you wait in a line for 7 hours?

I agree that saying it is "worthless" was in poor taste. This is a consequence of writing in frustration after seeing "Spoilers ahead". The review, while including plot points unnecessary to Charlie's point of view, does have merit. However, don't use an assumption to prop up your justification.

Sorry - perhaps I should have said "it doesn't seem to make sense."

I read it and overall it was very good. I do confess, I skipped a couple paragraphs that I just didn't want to read; about certain plot points. I do think a little less of the plot can be included and it would be an even stronger review. It's nice to know this movie is character-driven. Also: what do I know, really?

I must say congratulations for for being the first to cop an attitude. Charlie was nicer than you are in your response. Though, I must say, bravo on not actually cursing.

Then what's the point of a review... you make no sense.

No, I didn't read it. Charlie says there aren't any real spoilers in it and I'll take her word for it; but I had to run out before the opportunity to. But no, when it says "spoilers ahead" I stop reading. Since I can't know the extent of the spoilers prior to reading, it's better I just stop before doing so.

I'm very interested in reading reviews from an io9 perspective, but I stop reading as soon as it says "Spoilers Ahead". Maybe its just CYA but I find it a terrible shame that I can't read the article. Thanks for responding.

Like the Thor "review", this is worthless considering there are spoilers. Does anybody understand what movie review is vs. a summary?

Audi is Vanilla Ice to Chrysler's David Bowie.