Eric Umbarger

When the corporations...are the authoritarian government! But don’t worry, they say we’re in a “democracy”, no not a plutocracy - where’d that term come from; it’s not supposed to be in the mandated history books!

The contract incentivizes the jail to increase video calls, in part by reducing payments from Securus “if the County fails to reach a minimum number of monthly paid video calls,” the lawsuit said. The contract also lets Securus bill the county directly if call volume isn’t high enough or renegotiate or terminate the

With corporations like these, who needs authoritarian governments?!

high-speed rail service”

Personally, the only thing holding my wife and I back from more kids is the cost of childcare. It’s gotten astronomical in the US. Do something about that or increase tax credits and we will see a higher birthrate here.

It’s very simple: no money, no honey.

Why are all rich old white men such pieces of shit?

Oh, right...because being a piece of shit is a prerequisite to becoming a rich old white man.

Oooh, does this mean recording the police is legal now too?

DeBeers is already submitting their trademark paperwork, undoubtedly.

Is that really what happened? That would be so dumb...

Don’t change stuff from the source material and you’ll please 95% of the fans, sadly hollywood tends to fail on this point over and over again....

The problem is these files are large and hard to share on the internet.

Why any game is not released on PCs from the get go nowadays is utterly mind boggling.

Before reading the article I was really impressed that he could accomplish all of that in an iron lung. Now that I know that they can exist outside of the lung it makes a lot more sense. Still impressive though.

I think the game has plenty of stress depending on the content you’re doing. Ultimate fights certainly weren’t a leisurely stroll, neither were some Savage fights (on content). I’m not sure Island Sanctuary or something like that needs, say, the threat of my crops failing/animals all dying to be fun.

Well Sega is again trying to screw players out of their money with dlcs (Like the last like a dragon with the new game plus and part of the post-game content locked behind a day one dlc).

Rich entitled arschloch throws tantrum and acts like 2 year old. It must be Tuesday. I  hope karma is visited upon "Ace Rogers"

So one gets punished for entering a on-ramp (acceleration!) or having the temerity to stop quickly to avoid rear-ending a car that suddenly turns right without any signal?

I think the correct term is “been suicided”. Boeing is too big to fail. And not just in a monetary/shareholder standpoint. They are one of the key players in national defense along with Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman. Having them collapse would mean losing and in-house supplier of national defense weapons, not

Quite suspicious a man that was going to testify against a big corporation suddenly commits suicide.