Eric Umbarger

The man has billions of dollars and he’s arguing about maybe $50 - $100k a year.

Saw it yesterday with Jr Bear - he’s 10 and had no qualms about a super hero movie starring women. I will say I thought it was perfectly fine. There were some quirky edits - like I recall a specific one where the camera cut to a direct headshot of Brie Larson while she said like 3 words then cut elsewhere. It was

There’s something wrong at the core of Starfield, and it makes me wonder if BGS/Microsoft really understand why people like their games or what gives their games longevity. It’s not the story — most Bethesda games have middling stories that only serve as an excuse to get the player to explore. “Go up the 7000 steps to

Yep. As of this post skyrim has 21k playing the special edition (26.4k if you include the original base release + the ~300 VR players) vs starfield’s 18.6k. Fallout 4 is a hilariously close 3rd at 16.6k.

No, no, no...

ALBW felt like a Zelda game though. The two Switch titles feel like sandbox games with a vaneer of Hyrule for me. Dungeons/shrines dont have the charm of past Zelda titles. Not a single one of them is memorable.

People really shouldn't still or have had a problem with this. It's 10 bucks and the price had been 60 for a decade and a half. It was never going to stay flat. 

Shadow and Bone season 2 was just “fine”. But the Crows were the characters that I enjoyed the most. Killing Six of Crows as a series is a bad move that I hope they regret.  Let the rights expire and have someone else pick it up.

Now playing

Great, now I have Allan-a-dale’s whistle stop tune stuck in my head..

Any discussion about this Robin Hood movie is incomplete without a mention of Roger Miller’s songs and performance. They obviously are a big part behind the movie’s folksy vibe, but also represent an interesting milestone in the progression of Roger Miller’s career—after his early success as a novelty/country

Surprise level zero. Barrera’s firing was ridiculous and I’m not shocked in the least that Ortega stood by her costar.

I can’t help but feel this is the dumbest story I’ve read about all week.

From other stories around this, it appears that the people who were running the factory wanted to retire, and tried to find someone willing to buy up the company and were not able to find a buyer. So at some level this is a self inflicted injury for Aardman - they could have made an offer to buy the factory (or at

Why was he exhumed at 8:AM instead of the previously agreed upon time?

Netflix’s moto: Keep what’s cheap to make/purchase distribution rights to, not what fans love.

Yeah, Jake, Flo, the General and that Gecko can fuck off. If they spend less money advertising they could lower premiums or pay out when they should. Also, any of you who commit even the smallest bit of insurance fraud (because you have paid so much in premiums that you think you deserve it) can doubly fuck off.

For all the disagreement that exists in the automotive space, I think we can all come together on this one:

Welcome to The Game Awards - just like the Oscars, companies pay a little for a ‘for your consideration campaign’ and they get on the ballot.

Look, I don’t want to be annoying about it, but RE4 has no business being up for game of the year. It’s a fantastic facelife, but it isn’t a new game. The same goes for Deadspace (which, FWIW, I think was always a more interesting action horror game than RE4), and I’m glad that one didn’t get nominated.

FWIW, Benioff and Weiss are -also- working with a completed series. They could adapt material like a maniac; it’s when they had to make new stuff from, at best, a rough outline, quality fell.