Eric Umbarger

“With Covid”

Haven’t they heard yet?

Do you want prions? Because that’s how you get prions.

“Chump change. But we still aren’t going to do it.” -Every Oil And Gas Company In The World. 

Sounds like Nintendo being capitalist assholes and not really caring about the collateral damage, imo.

Calling 5 houses “an entire neighborhood” is a bit of a stretch, no?

Pirating Nintendo games is always morally correct, so you should do it.

If they receive no meaningful pushback for releasing shit Pokémon games they’re never going to suffer consequences fo anything. They’ve learned they can act with impunity and it has no impact on their profits.

Nintendo deserves some sort of backlash and failure for this shit, fuck their corporate attitudes

I mean it wouldn’t be the first time that zelda goes cross-gen...

This is why I don’t bother even starting a show until it’s come to its conclusion. Yep, I waited 6 years to even start Better Call Saul even despite Breaking Bad’s success. When I tried a new show last year, it was Y the Last Man, which got canceled *during* the first fucking season. Back to my no-ongoing-shows rule,


ah yes, because there are so many “middle class” people who own a cessna and count flying among their core hobbies lol

Color me shocked that Israel is no better than China when it comes to race discrimination

Just another example of how we have never stopped being in a slavery system. It just threw on some new clothes and got a hair cut. 

That sounds like exactly the wrong thing to do if you’re trying to encourage the public to fly on your rocket.

I mean, honestly - and I say this as someone who regularly plays 80+ hour RPGs for the characters and story - has anyone ever really bought a Zelda game for the plot?

The credit score life hack I use is to put as much of my daily expenses and monthly bills on a card as possible, then just pay off the balance each month.

As much as I don’t trust corporations at all and think Disney as one is a monster (though I do love a lot of the IP and the parks), this feels good. I’d genuinely trust Disney with overseeing the parks considering how many guests they see and how they know the parks need to be safe and clean in order to actually keep