
Here's the thing with Texas Republicans (and Republicans in general). They live in an echo chamber of yes men. They believe their own hype and that their shit doesn't stink. They think the majority is on their side and will yell and holler with approval when they do stuff like this. They live in a world where they are

Yes, you're right. I did think they were the same person. Thanks for the clarification.

...if you assume younger people aren't aware of Chanel Iman but are of Cara, then you're probably conflating Chanel Iman with Iman. They're two different women. One is a lovely young woman, one is the gorgeous woman married to David Bowie.

Cara Delevingne is not a household name. I had no idea who she was until this article and I half-assed follow fashion. She might be big in fashion circles but she's not a supermodel in the sense that she's crossed over into people who don't follow fashion.

It's just so weird that she even says she poses as iconic pictures of her friends and colleagues and then one of them is her 15 year old self.

You missed the point of my pulling that quote by about a mile and a half.

I now watch ANTM almost entirely to laugh/cringe at her self-worship.

Do you actually think someone would beat someone to death and say "I'm only resisting arrest" because that seems a bit... uhm.. silly to me.

I don't know, he seems pretty self-aware of his paradoxes and self-destructive attitudes. He's just having a hard time fighting them.

I'm a little confused about why she thought she would make history, and then decide to put no thought into the thing that would make the history. I'm also very over this topic, as I'm sure is everyone else, but I won't tell you what to talk about.

You know... I am sick and tired of you Xtina deniers.... We have all seen that obviously photoshopped image of Madonna and Britt kissing... but you know what, in those original un-edited photographs you can CLEARLY see her standing next to them.

I love pigeons so this makes me super sad.

I've often wondered how big my penis would be if I were a boy and how it would affect my world. Getting breast implants is getting to be "normal" [freaky and weird in my mind] to please. The guys with the small "junk;" how freaking hard must that be?

Sometimes I want to stay home from school and watch Dragon Ball Z and women won't let me. I hate that.

"I hate how mom always lets women sit in the front seat of the car because women lies and says she gets car sick. And I also hate how women won't let me stop hitting myself." - Connor

As a woman, I completely agree with you. Shaming men about the size of their penises is just as bad as the body-shaming most Jezzies hate. Being part of the "oppressed" gender does not make counter-oppression okay.

Wow humiliating a guy about the size of his junk, classy. I am against people shaming others about the size/shape/choice of what to do to their body...hahaha that guy has a small dick he is pathetic.

For me, atheism is answering the question: "Do you believe God exists?" with, "I don't care. That question doesn't interest me in the slightest."