
I agree with jeans full of pre distressing and embroidery, jeans should be dark indigo, un faded and stiff when bought. That said, you are dead wrong about jeans and blazers/sport coats. It is a modern classic, it's magnificence agreed upon by everyone.

wait, megan fox has thumbs? :o

EvoPsych is the hand-waviest, most confused branch of a field that has serious scientific flaws to begin with (Psychology). It consistently uses backward logic and false cause (Obvy, women are catty bitches because evolution! Catty bitchiness is fundamental to women because evolution is a thing, and that thing that

Maaaaaaan, I just don't understand why evolutionary psychology is given any credence. It seems like an endless pointless slapfight, with different academics cherry picking support for what they believe to be true about current states of socialization and subsequently shit-talking each other. It's "just so stories"

It's not a very reputable journal. Evolutionary psychology and it's journals are kind of the laughing stock of the scientific world.

Ehh... I don't think it's fair to pawn off responsibility to men. They grow up with the same societal expectations and thus get indoctrinated into misogyny for the same reason. In reality, all sexism is learned sexism. And part of being a fully-realized human being with agency is owning responsibility for your own

I agree, it's an asshole statement, but it can be read to me as the statement of a person who feels his hands are tied. There is nothing more he can do. He did everything he could and this is the result? I might in that scenario give a cynical angry comment that "i guess they will have to get over it" too. I would

I don't know about the science aspect, but I'm a writer, and I am constantly approached to write for free. My husband, who is white and male, is asked frequently to do graphic design and illustration work for free.

Am I the only one bothered by the description of the raptor as scaley? Feathers people, raptors had feathers.

Maybe the bottom left is a man in skinny jeans and socks? Maybe bottom right is coming back from a business meeting and challenging gender stereotypes by not over-packing?

I'm rationalizing aren't I?

Curling would, in most situations, be a fair candidate and co-ed teams competing against each other is fair, but primarily gendered teams with one another competing at the elite level would still give the men a certain amount of advantage. As much as curling is about physics rather than physicality and the elite

But Eric, what about high school (or some college) athletics where a girls team or a girls league might not exist or be so underfunded and underused that an athlete might not be able to properly grow or compete? Maybe equal prestige among men and women's leagues and equal funding exist in a perfect world, but this

I'm going to argue against my point.

Eric, first you say that men and women shouldn't compete against each other because women can't (on average) compete against men, but then you say that if there is a woman that can compete with men, that other women should be able to / have to compete against her. Why is it

I don't think this is about desegregating sport. If we want to celebrate female athletics and athletes, there needs to be a place where women can compete without men. In an entirely desegregated sport system female athletes would effectively disappear, men are objectively faster and stronger. But I don't think thats

Make them wear a cup, which they probably are doing anyways for protection, and ya know make them learn that touching a woman is not an inherently sexually stimulating act because women aren't inherently sexual objects, which they should probably be learning anyways.

ilos, I was somewhat agreeing with you until you pulled "ancient wisdom" into the mix. That's the fallacy known as "appeal to tradition". Just because ancient people did something, doesn't mean it was best. Just because there's a long tradition of doing xyz a certain way, doesn't mean it's best. For most of human