Some people (like those above) think that freezing kills the bacteria. But it doesnt. The freezer *might* desicate them, but probably not all of them. Freezing is how scientists PRESERVE bacteria.
Some people (like those above) think that freezing kills the bacteria. But it doesnt. The freezer *might* desicate them, but probably not all of them. Freezing is how scientists PRESERVE bacteria.
yes, my bad, similar names, it was typed quickly. I will edit it. I also study math, and Neumann shows up all over the place, hence why I instinctively went with the german spelling.
I see you're Prince, and I raise you Paul Neuman.
Ironically, since China is pretty much the only country developing thorium reactors, they may end up saving the whole world from global warming.
Pretty sure Ms Frost was a super hero and Ms Golian's family was charged with the protection of an ancient relic generations ago, and to this day her and her family remain its protectors.
EDIT: a friend of mine had a student named Aldous Poon.
I had some students whose names were Jasmine Frost and Azarm Golian. Coolest names ever.
UofT and UBC have pretty active frats. McGill might too, not sure. Queens banned them I believe, they're pretty rare at York, Waterloo and uofm.
That's a tradition my mom picked up when we lived in uppsala for 2 years in the 80s. We only light them in Christmas morning, and only for a little while.
Not to be a "depends on what the meaning of is is" guys, but it really does depend on what we mean by real. Race being a way that we categorize people is definitely real. But race as a way that nature divides people isn't.
There was a fairly prominent paper published a few years ago that looked at genetic differences…
Alexander vi was actually a pretty good pope. He accepted Jewish merchants into Rome, dealt with his enemies through diplomacy rather than warfare, and was an half decent pastor.
It actually comes from the thuggee cult, which originates well before the 19th century. They worshipped kali and were pretty violent. The bad guys in temple of doom were supposed to be thuggee.
Even if we do accept that obesity and it's link to health is a national problem, the way this information is being applied by people like Kang is backwards. Information about health and obesity is meant to be applied at the societal not individual level. If someone is overweight, whether or not their health is in…
I want to point out that I offer no opinion on the content of the article, who is a victim etc. I do not know enough about the story, nor do I have the lived experiences that would provide insight to this situation, so I choose to listen to the opinions of others.
furthermore, the woman is an Italian citizen and I would assume that means the child is too. Doesn't this violate Italy's sovereignty?
Astrid is arguing that both parties engage in (probably learned) behaviour that causes pain, some with justification, some without. That this situation is not straight forward or simple.
You're the one arguing in blacks and whites, Charles = bad, girls = good. You are categorically condemning Charles while completely…
not individuals as much as the industry as its own entity. Obviously I have huge respect for the artists involved with making films both within and without hollywood (or some of them :) ).
My criticism comes down to how the industry itself works. I'll give you, as an example, what might be my biggest issue with the…
My point was more that I have such a low opinion of the industry as a whole that when someone offers criticism of it (in this case Ms Wood) that the industry wouldn't be able to understand and internalize it.
EDIT: And further, with regards to this particular situation, even though Ms Wood was speaking to the MPAA, I…
Sure, this particular problem concerns the mpaa more than other parts of the industry, but the industry as a whole is plagued by systemic problems.
It's sad to see Ms. Wood speak so much sense to an industry entirely too stupid understand it.
This is precisely why me (a mathematician who plays video games, board games, reads graphic novels) refuses to take the label "nerd" or "geek."