
then the followup is are these higher scores the result of physicality? or culturally, maybe just a larger pool of male bowlers? Thus women's poorer performance can be explained just by statistics.

Take pro starcraft for instance (something Im more familiar with than bowling, or really any actual sport). There are very

Simply having an erection I dont think is an issue to anyone. People were concerned that the girl might be uncomfortable with the situation or anything else.

But as you said, the whole situation is totally moot if the guy is wearing a cup.

I dont care if you need it or not, I'm going to recap just to keep from derailing (maybe you do it, maybe I do, maybe neither).

You say that we shouldn't segregate men and women in sports (any sport) because we don't segregate sports based on any other human trait (we both used race as a word earlier, but as the

women's bowling? I know that bowling is objectively scored, do women typically perform worse, better the same?

Though bowling's status as a sport is debatable (as is curling's)

All I know for sure is that curling is way more exciting than it should be on paper. But I dont know how it would work, in practice, as a co-ed sport. Which is why I left it as a maybe. In fact, all ideas for possible fair co-ed "sports" are maybes from my own experience.

Worth a try though, I'd say. A Canadian

Ok, so there were, once upon a time, various different human subspecies (Denisovans, as was cited in your linked articles). There aren't anymore, though within different groups of modern humans can be found different levels of DNA from these subspecies. This much I know. Furthermore, levels of these different genetic

You're right, sex is not defined by genetalia. It was a typo, I guess you missed the correction. Anyway, I'm gonna read the rest of your post now.

The article doesn't mention how feasibly and discretely these groups partition the human race. Male and Female sexes are two discrete* groups that are genetically and biological very different in many fundamental ways. As a group one of them possesses distinct advantages over the other in sports. The article doesnt

In response to your other post (gonna keep this on one thread).

Any patterns relating to susceptibility to disease, predisposition to athletics comes from genetics. This is a result of family history. People who would be characterized as "black" merely have similar family histories. People have these traits not because

Races don't exist biologically. You can't say that white people are biologically disadvantaged towards sprinting compared to black people, because they don't exist as a group, biologically. This is the paper that first discovered that.…

Regardless of whether or not it SHOULD

"Certain groups of women have more muscle and height than groups of males."

Only in arbitrary groups of each. Race and ethnicity cannot be defined explicitly, they are social constructs entirely.

I'm probably wrong about not letting, say a female sprinter compete against men at the Olympics if she wants to. I'm not 100% convinced, but I'm open.

However, one league for each sport would be a disaster. It would be mean the end to female athletics in all but a few sports. Sure maybe every now and then there might

But Eric, what about high school (or some college) athletics where a girls team or a girls league might not exist or be so underfunded and underused that an athlete might not be able to properly grow or compete? Maybe equal prestige among men and women's leagues and equal funding exist in a perfect world, but this

I'm going to argue against my point.

Eric, first you say that men and women shouldn't compete against each other because women can't (on average) compete against men, but then you say that if there is a woman that can compete with men, that other women should be able to / have to compete against her. Why is it

I just read a comment about wrestling and it's division by weight class. If it's true that a a woman doesn't possess any disadvantages to a man in the same respective weight class, then wrestling seems like a good candidate for desegregation (Curling seems a likely candidate as well). Though I don't know enough to be

I don't think this is about desegregating sport. If we want to celebrate female athletics and athletes, there needs to be a place where women can compete without men. In an entirely desegregated sport system female athletes would effectively disappear, men are objectively faster and stronger. But I don't think thats