
My first car was also a 3rd gen Prelude. It wasn’t in great shape, but it was cool enough that I eventually got another one, which I still have, for that very reason.

Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.

Johnson-voting Republican here. I think there is a need for CAFE to an extent, but it seems evident that we’re reaching the point where safety and emissions regulations are making fuel economy ratings impossible.

I think they did read their history books since it says “part 2"

I’m always amazed when I see someone crossing a road and they’re not constantly checking all directions for some idiot about to run them down.

People don’t remember how bland bmws have always looked when new. I promise when those wild designs of the new lexus look heavily dated this 5 will still look good. Just like the E39

What? The orange and black dials are awesome you shut your dirty mouth.

Wrong way. The horse keeps hitting humans.

Are we there yet?

This is the country that just opened its borders to any and all Syrian refugees, I think we can let the Nazi shit drop.

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

So brave. Never seen anyone post something so edgy before.

I’ll bet you think you’re clever with an irrelevant analogy.

Which part of the owners manual? because several pages were deleted. HA!

Do Camrys also enrich themselves by selling favors while in office?

As if Clinton lies are somehow more acceptable...and her supporters more objective...

Don’t be obtuse. The ONLY reason this statement is getting blasted is because Trump said it. Instead of sending the production of old cars to mexico, why not keep them here AND add additional jobs and manufacturing for the new models here. The population isn’t getting any smaller.

Nope. This has never happened before. The problem with young people is that they thing everything they experience is being experienced for the first time ever, you just don’t understand. (Please note, this is a rare case of me not criticizing Millenials. Every generation, including mine, goes through this. It’s called

well you are in luck, because the marketing departments of every mid-level auto manufacturer known to man are hearing your wishes loud and clear.

I really dont care for cars with artificial crack and pop.