This thing was ironically titled, since in the end, the live blog were the haters.
This thing was ironically titled, since in the end, the live blog were the haters.
Nothing more genuine than a 1%er taking time to rich-splain hardship to the plebs.
Why, because he is currently being stigmatized by his fans? Hip hop culture condones this a whole lot more that athletic culture (and I’m not a sports fan). He didn’t suffer one iota last time and still seems to be able to sell tons of albums and merchandise.
I’m all for pay equality, but will there be any negative consequences? Hollywood seems pretty dead set on maintaining the status quo. Would they not just hire fewer A-list actresses in favor of newer, cheaper actresses, or move more production out of state?
About half of the North Carolina museum of history is dedicated to the evils of slavery and the civil rights struggle and it is fairly well done.
Well, with the NYC teacher Union being what it is, at least he will have a job waiting for him when he gets out. Maybe he will even get paid leave to finish his sentence.
I'm sorry, but your argument lost all its strength when you tried to compare boring, narcissistic hipsters to fucking Monet. That video is more of a commentary of how self important this generation has become. The trope of the downtrodden husband has been around for at least decades. Don't pretend like you're…
I agree with what you said as well. In the past decade and a half, the way changes are made in Special Forces is that some decisions are made that are not in the best interest of the community (expanding too much, taking on more conventional missions) and people either stay quiet or they lose their jobs. We often feel…
Women in the army don’t want the world to know how low their standards are, because they want to be viewed as equals. They just quietly and happily benefit from the low standards. If you saw a gender neutral PT test instituted army-wide, there would be serious backlash. Besides, “discrimination” is the code word that…
It’s already happening. Every standard has to be reviewed by a committee of people who do not do the job.
Here is my two cent rant from my perspective as a recently retired Special Forces soldier:
The “requirements” are already changing. Since the announcement, Special Forces Assessment and Selection cadre lost their battle to justify continuing to do “log PT”, which is a team building exercise involving telephone poles. Women also have such different standards on their PT tests, that a maximum score for a…
I was in special forces for 14 years. I don’t care if women can try out. I really care that standards will fall precipitously to get the numbers up.
Well, this thread has a whole buffet of words for you to eat. Should keep you satisfied past groundhog day.
Yeah, seriously. I lost my dog. I had to send him somewhere because paladin whatshisface INSISTED on coming with me to take fort strong and I sent dogmeat to Sanctuary Hills. I’ve been combing the place for days and I think he is lost for good.
This is 100% representative of what I would imagine if someone mentioned a “Tumblr icon”
This kid’s parents trying to make the case that he suffered $15 million worth of “anguish" trivializes anyone who has actually suffered from racism.
Or mom and dad can do what I do: eschew both organizations and just take my kids camping. I guess modern parents just love to outsource all their parenting.
It is so funny that modern “progressives” are the new version of what pearl clutching religious moms were in the 80s.
This sounds more like the girl scouts just need to spend some time outside. Exactly what are girl scouts “scouting” if they never go outdoors.