A gaggle of geese.
A gaggle of geese.
Turn 5 is a fun place to finally live the instruction “don’t drive to your exit, end up there.”
You are correct good sir.
Well, TIL something: that’s ( almost ) always a good thing. I had no idea there were emissions standards for them. The more you know....
Which I find somewhat ironic considering many places one can run UTVs on public roads.
I don’t know about you, but I want my car to be pretty close to “perfect” before I will spend money, especially a car.
First Gear: Shouldn’t they have figured out how to build it before they... you know... started building it?
Yes, I know, all production line systems need a bit of tweeking in the early phases, which is what pilot cars are for. But to be this far in and still be having, what appear to be, serious issues? Either they…
Lancia also had one but it had a very narrow angle and only one head, like a VR6.
Yes. It does. Snell is a manufacturer organization that self polices and, in so doing, provides a superior product. SFI is a manufacturer organization that self polices racing safety products. All of the appliances in your home are certified by manufacturer organizations. (UL, AGA, CSA, etc.) The IIHS crash standards…
If you WANT upgraded helmets get the Snell level tested helmet, well worth the bones. Anything that makes helmets even MORE expensive is going to increase the number of folks who won’t wear ANY helmet at all. We bikers are 17, yes SEVENTEEN times more likely to die than cagers (those in vehicles). We ARE the crush…
While US freight railroads did experiment with horsepower ratings of 6000 in the mid ‘90's on diesel electric locomotives, all locomotives today have settled in at about 4500 horsepower. Those 6000 HP monsters have either been retired, exported or derated to 4500 horsepower.
Counterpoint: Ford’s 5.2L “Voodoo” V8 from the GT350.
You should like that one friend who laughs to hard at bad jokes, then goes on to explain said joke, thus ruining said joke.
Should pay him a percentage of net profits
You are making a case that we should suppress technology to preserve jobs. If we do that we stop advancing and we fall behind the technological curve. I am not a fan of autonomous vehicles, but suppressing tech is never a good idea.
You realize that SxSs vastly grew and now pretty much own the OHV market which is pretty lucrative these days right? And that they can cost every bit as much as (and more!) Than this thing?
My neighbor across the street bought a Camry Hybrid this month, and I promptly made her regret her purchase decision.
At least from what I can tell in Los Angeles, Teslas are like Camrys.
There was once found in London a little while back, the bomb was made safe and then loaded on a lorry. It was carefully driven to a range to be blow up, I remember them announcing on the news that people shouldn’t worry about the sound of the explosion, it was widely heard.