Could be a statistical flyer..... Might not.... Too bad there aren’t 1000's to provide data points, huh?
Could be a statistical flyer..... Might not.... Too bad there aren’t 1000's to provide data points, huh?
Quite the angry dimwit aren’t you?
Sorry my mistake;
Sorry my mistake;
I disagree that Tesla is a software company. The product they sell is recognized by nearly every buyer as a car. If they want to be serious about being a car builder, this level of quality is unacceptable.
BIG difference between a TSB and 5 consumer recognizable defects in a single car. Manufacturers track defects per hundred vehicles as their yardstick. Less than 97 is above average. This one car would set the scale to 500 per 100 vehicles or way, way below the bottom of the list.
I’d be willing to bet the wiper problem is mechanical, not software, an will require a service trip - much like the S model’s extending door handles. The software can be updated without, sure, but those kinds of bugs can sour you quickly on the car. Tesla is a car builder, they should start acting like one.
You are pretty young, aren’t you? There have been some pretty crappy cars from mainstream manufacturers, hopefully you are too young to have bought one or too lucky!
Touted as mainstream, priced as mainstream, this IS Tesla’s attempt at a mainstream electric car. In other words, a Camry competitor.
No it isn’t unique BUT...
Car manufacturers track quality in Defects per Thousand Vehicles and the good ones are less than 3 per 1000.
What would be your response if this car was from any other major manufacturer?
COTD right here!
A point of history - BMW developed a 1.5 liter turbo based on the BWM 2002 engine block for Formula 1 that produced over 1400 hp in quali trim. The race engine was swapped in making 1100 hp for the 2 hour race. This was a few years before the Toyota. The BMW’s barely lasted the quali session and the lower hp engines…
You are half right. People don’t like the idea of the government making decisions for them because it believes they are too stupid to make the right ones. After 8 years of Democrats adding shit-tons of regulations,
Agreed, the article did not specify she owned it for 12 years but I’m playing the odds here. The used market for Smart cars is very, very small so odds are, she bought it new
Agreed but I’m playing the odds here. The used market for Smart cars is very, very small so odds are, she bought it new.
Mazda’s long time connection with Ford may have helped that. Suburu was just smart!
No they don’t all have an arrow. It is a Ford thing. Only my Ford has this bit of brilliance.
For 12 years.... filling the car up for 12 years!?!