
That looks like riding is even more fun than watching them. Not surprised you had sand in your mouth after, I couldn’t quit smiling and laughing watching it. Bravo Stef!

This is scares the $hit out of me to read. I’d rather teach my 62 year old mom to drive again than drive alongside someone who rents a car for a week a year.

This is the article you never want to see posted. Corner workers are the anchors of the sport - both bikes and cars. Their love of the sport allows those of us that race to do so in relative safety.

I haven’t owned a Brit car and I want this soooo baaaad.....

Sterling Heights is more like Manchester. Detroit is more like Ramadi, Iraq.

Really? I’m the moron?? Have I been there in the last few years? You mean during the bankruptcy??

I am smart, not a wimp

No fucking way...

Really? Walk through Belle Isle at midnight while counting the syringes you find.

And Gustavo is wrong.

You seem to have a warped understanding of the entire point of the argument. It is a comparison of being poor in the US compared to the rest of the world. You try to pick apart the argument line by line, incorrectly making assumptions about my intent. I prefer to view it on the whole. Being poor in the US is far, far

Belle Isle eco-system? What eco-system? It pushes out the drug dealers and hoes to a temporary spot elsewhere??

Some people would indeed eat Ramen for a bigger house or apartment. Myself, not so much.

I disagree.

Nope, I didn’t say that only 1% have refrigerators just that the 97.6% of the poor in the US do. The defined “poor” in the US have cars -80%, AC - 83.4% and live in a larger home than the average (not poor) Swede, Frenchman or German. The poverty line for a family of 4 in the US is $24,600 a year and $32,960 for a

My empirical evidence that America is better for its citizens is that the poorest of our citizens are part of the 1% of the worlds richest people. Our poor have cars, refrigerators and air conditioning. We also have the fattest poor people on the planet indicating ample food supply and their ability to buy it.

What do you think happens if a batch of parts is made with sub-standard leaded steel that gets rejected by Moog? Do you think the Chinese supplier scraps the part? And if they did, who guarantees the scrapyard destroyed them instead of selling them?

THAT! Right there!

Highly subjective studies on a subjective concept like “happiness” from a country with the worlds 4th highest use of anti-depressants.

Welcome to the socialist state! Tax it until it bleeds....