
Eh, dog bites man, film at eleven...

Maybe he will, maybe he won’t pass Obama. At least some of these trips were working trips rather than simply golf outings. Apples and Oranges

Blow me, asshole. The whole point of the post is if you are pissed off at Trump, you should be pissed off at the previous. At least some of these Florida trips were working trips rather than Obama’s golf outings.


What does it say about former pres Obama that used one jet to fly the first lady and family out to Hawaii a few hours before the pres himself? Michelle couldn’t wait to fly with her husband? And this scenario played out a number of times over 8 years.

There should be no debate over intent. The truck’s emission system has been modified to force the truck to an overly rich condition. I.e. blow black smoke

Thanks, you made this child-less adult nearly wet himself! Funny!

Yeah but the Mojave would expect you to clean up after yourselves.

I WANT to believe, Hammerhead, I really do but this Honda thing looks to be less successful than the LAST time they tried it...

“white privileged” my pasty white butt.... the cop let you off because you were driving a YUGO. Yugo, say it again - Driving a YUGO!

He mortgaged his house for a car. A car he then rented to hoons as a track day car as well as exotic rental.

As is Mother Jones....

The models were wrong because they predicted a LARGER rate of change than we are experiencing. Temperature rise is below the lowest confidence bands in nearly every model. Antarctic ice is expanding each year and the sea levels have not risen anywhere close to the predicted amount.

There is no local content rules for US car makers 35% or otherwise. There are American cars that would fail to meet a 35% rule if Canada and Mexico were excluded. Like the Ford Fusion or Cadillac SRX

The T wings looked like old school TV antennas. Glad they are gone.

Because it can “be good too.”

the Earth’s Arctic ice caps are showing a sustained reduction in ice

Problem #2, Karts don’t have seatbelts. I’ve seen karts flip and slap their drivers on the ground. Wheel touch, high-side flip when the tires dig a kerb, ect. Happens a lot and it hurts!

Complete Waste Of Money for reasons I won’t go into here...