
Obamacare is in the black, so getting rid of it would actually serve to worsen our budget problems, not improve them. Republicans keep saying they want to address our spending problem, but pretty much every suggestion they're making would make it worse.

Because it's a commentary on/mockery of media reports that act as though people who play games are likely to emulate in-game behavior on real life. Your shortened version seems much worse, turning the focus on police action rather than the news report. Also I don't think it's about pausing, it's about not managing to

CTRL+ALT+DELETE is funnier than most of these...

Yea, it's almost like they didn't even read rule #3.

Your statement doesn't actually contradict mine/the Times'. They might well have opened fire while she was driving in reverse but still only ended up killing her after she got out of the car. I can't think of why the police would lie about her being outside of the car when she was killed. To be clear, I think it's

I'm not saying no one should have had a gun on her just in case , I'm saying that that gun should have been reserved for a situation where she clearly presented a danger to others. And no, all the cops shouldn't have moved in close to taser her either, they only need a few people to move in on her to try and take her

I didn't say it's standard procedure to assume they're unarmed either. Police should not act on assumptions. If they had pointed tasers at her and she had try to run, they could have tased her to stop her. They can't see under her clothes, but having her keep her hands up and not face them as they approach her to pat

No way of knowing? How about pointing their tasers at her and telling her to put her hands up and turn around, then using their eyeballs to see if she has a gun before approaching her? It is not standard procedure to assume any person getting out of a car is armed. If this woman was finished rampaging and getting out

Well considering that at the time she was shot she was getting out of the car, yes she had ceased to be a danger. If they had shot her while she was driving around ramming people/things that would be one thing, but shooting her after she'd come to a stop and was getting out of the car is very different.

I'm not denying that a lot of those guys were dicks and deserve tickets for the way they were riding, I'm saying that Lien clearly deserves to be charged for a hit and run. In that specific rear-ending, the SUV was in the wrong (didn't have enough follow room, and rear-endings are the fault of the car that's behind),

Do you see how many people are riding in that group? You really think it's definitely the same individual riding against traffic and break checking this guy? And again, how does that excuse Lien's behavior? To have any defense he would need to show that he was under attack BEFORE running someone over, otherwise he

I have no ability to tell if those are the same exact bikers from this incident (specifically whether Jay Mieses was driving recklessly and attacking people or just people he was driving alongside). Yes, motorcyclists can sometimes be dicks, just like other drivers, but that doesn't mean you get to preemptively

Use your brain...everyone is traveling with significant forward momentum before the accident. If you don't have enough room, you slow your momentum to create that room. It's your responsibility to create the following space you need, and it's very easy to do.

Wasn't it you claiming I hadn't read carefully?

Look at the top gif again; the motorcycle is already driving in front of the car (it moves a bit more center but is already in its path) and the car does not have nearly enough following room. If that's how closely you would recommend driving to a motorcyclist I hope YOU don't have a license.

His intention was to slow down (and yes, probably ultimately stop completely) the SUV behind him. The SUV either didn't have space, wasn't paying attention, or thought it was okay to hit the guy. Brake checking is dickish yes, but it's not illegal and its your fault if you don't break in time. They didn't want to

He slowed down, he didn't come to a full stop. Using your brakes is not illegal, and if you are not able to stop in time to avoid hitting the person in front of you using their brakes, you were tailgating them and it's your fault. I'm not denying that large groups of motorcyclists tend to drive dickishly, but that

I did. The fact that they got violent after the guy ran over one of their friends doesn't surprise me terribly...doesn't make it right or legal, but it makes it more understandable than the douchebag running the guy over and fleeing the scene of a (minor) accident.

I'm not a biker, but the way this is reported on (in general, not jalopnik specifically) and the police reaction smack of anti-biker bias. The Lien guy should pretty clearly be charged. First he rear-ended a guy, then he fled the scene and ran over a guy. I can understand worrying about his family's safety, but the