
I haven't been this entertained by a game release since War Z.

You can dispute a claim without saying you didn't place the charge. If you order something online but the company never delivers on the promise to give it to you, you can still dispute the claim even though you made it yourself.

Why wouldn't they invest in a bunch of extra servers to use every time they launch a game? The servers are not permanently set to be used for Sim City, once traffic on that game dies down they can shift the servers over to a newer game that needs them.

Do you mean the entire cosmetic surgery industry? I don't think that's fair at all; there is a demand for cosmetic surgery and it helps a lot of people gain confidence and live happier lives. Those patients are not victims of the doctor, the only thing you could conceivably place blame on is the societal expectations

There is nothing wrong with it so long as they consent, and you being creeped out by it is your own problem not theirs. You publicly denouncing young looking labia also contributes to the issue of people being self conscious about their labia. Take this person's response to this article: "The last time this subject

So people who don't like their labia minora and would rather they not exist at all should not be shamed, but someone who realizes that there are people who want that and provides a surgery that makes it possible deserve to be shamed? That doesn't quite make sense to me. The demand for the surgery already existed, and

No, if anything I'm taking the opposite approach and acknowledging that ALL of our choices are impacted by our experience interacting with society. Every cosmetic surgery is the result to some degree of an internalization of societal expectation, but that doesn't mean we should be shaming those who decide to pursue a

What cosmetic surgery could one possibly point to and say it's definitely not the result of social pressures? People have this ingrained view that they are unattractive and yes, that's caused by societal standards of beauty that they have internalized, but it's much easier for them to get their confidence with a

I agree the huge upswing in cosmetic surgeries is concerning, but the rhetoric employed by jezebel seems like blaming the symptom rather than the cause; we need to correct the unreasonable expectations we have about appearance, but that is not done by condemning cosmetic surgery, if anything such condemnation is just

So? People get a nosejob because they've internalized societal expectations of what makes a nice nose; that doesn't mean we should shame them for getting a nosejob that gives them confidence in their appearance. If you can afford it, it's usually easier to get the surgery to correct the visual thing you're self

Calling a surgery that an adult willfully consents to "genital mutilation" is rather inappropriate. You say "this has to stop", but if people are self conscious about their vaginas and want to get cosmetic surgery on them, that is their right just as much as it's their right to get a nosejob. This is NOTHING like the

Time for a rebranding. If the goal is actually equal rights for all, it's misleading to name the movement after only one group. I understand that historically, and presently, women have tended to face greater hardships than men, and so a concerted effort should be made to correct the particular unfair biases faced by

I totally agree.

What's your point? It still doesn't say "Tips for Playing SimCity the best way", the problem with that formulation being that it assumes there is a single best way people should play, rather than different playing styles suiting different players.

You obviously have no idea how voluntary all wedding costs are. You can get married for no costs other than the marriage license. Not everyone has the need for wildly extravagant ceremonies.

It's only objectification if it's happening to women, didn't you get the memo?

I for one am quite impressed that they managed to make snooki look worse.

Re: 2, What makes you think these shirts have every actually been printed? The photo on the website was most likely created by the program, just slapping those words into the template. Those are not photos of "real" t-shirts, and I would expect 0 copies of these shirts have been printed (unless someone was horrible

I have a hunch that 0 of these shirts are printed before they are ordered. They just use a computer program to slap the text onto their template and then if anyone orders them, they use that programs template to print the text onto the shirt.