
"It just happens to be a woman" isn't an invalid argument though (and it's certainly not a misogynic one). Michelangelo's David "just happens to be a man". Artists have to constantly make what might seem to others like arbitrary decisions or else be stuck with a square block of marble. I'm sure in actuality more

Tell that to the met's Greek and Roman Art galleries.

Uh, men don't have to deal with regular segmentation or objectification of their bodies? Fuck you. Both genders face significant obstacles to being happy with ones body presented by our society; there are lots of men with forms of body dysmorphia, and the media plays a significant role in promoting unrealistic body

While there may well be some misogynic comments defending it, I hope you're not lumping in all the non-misogynic comments defending it into that group just because you disagree with them. This is obviously art and this article is blatantly making invalid arguments based on emotion rather than logic; sensible people

It obviously is art, whether the author of the article thinks its good art or not, but I don't really see anyone saying it should be immune to all criticism because of that fact; I'm not sure why the author is implying that people are making that claim. This is not disimilar to how racist speech is protected by the

One more time, my opinion is not wrong, since this is a clearly subjective matter, not one in which there is any objective truth to be sought out. Weighing the severity of one crime over another, or deciding which atrocity one would personally rather endur, is not something which one can actually be wrong about.

Uh, death is far more of a certainty than rape, and it's impossible to ever be sure that it's far away. While yes, you might not suffer after you die, you won't get to enjoy anything either, and that needs to be taken into account; otherwise stealing would be a worse crime than murder, since with stealing the victim

Rape is a real threat to men as well. The fact that it happens more to women does not mean that men are not victims of it as well, and certainly does not mean men cannot have opinions about rape. I didn't expect everyone to share my opinion that murder is worse than rape, but it's clearly a subjective issue, not one

Well, I know what my opinion is, so I do know what I am talking about, since all I'm saying is that I would rather be raped than murdered.

I never claimed to speak for all rape victims, or on behalf of anyone but myself. In fact I very actively pointed out that this was only my opinion. Notice how I said "in my mind"? You seem to be the one suggesting that my opinion is "wrong" while yours is "right". I was merely stating my opinion and my surprise that

How is that relevant? Are you suggesting that all women see rape as worse than murder? If I had to choose which of the two would happen to me tomorrow, I would rather be raped twenty times than killed once. Is that opinion somehow rendered invalid because I can only be raped anally and not vaginally? Rape is not a

Maybe my priorities are out of whack, but in my mind killing someone is a worse crime than raping them, and killing is to be expected in war. Raping and pillaging have always been major secondary aspects of war, with killing being the primary.

Yes. Very yes.

Anyone happen to know anything about whether DLC will be available for the Mac OS version (the one in the App Store, not the one on steam)? I'm not in any particular rush to get it, as I'm only just about to finish my first play through with my first character, but am a bit worried it might never become available. I

Actually, it's more like

Are you suggesting I made up a flying spaghetti monster out of nowhere? How dare you, sir!

They are literally guessing, that's why this chart is kinda crap and is rightly not going to convince any rape apologists to reconsider their views. Their site's statistic explanation says "We assumed 10%, which is dramatic, but possible." There could be a flying spaghetti monster that created the universe; it's

Alas, smoking weed recreationally is still illegal in most states, and carries with it a huge social stigma. It would not be an intelligent move for most people's careers to go on record about smoking weed. While generally I would say musicians are the exception to this rule, it makes sense to me that a musician who

And you're going to get arrested if you hit someone who does not attack you first, that's common sense. Psychos like you are exactly the reason we need to take guns out of the hands of all civilians.

Um, I am a guy. It is NOT normal to hit someone in retaliation to something so harmless. You sound like a psychopath trying to justify your rage problems as being "normal guy behavior".