Jezebel didn't even include the "or is it?"
Jezebel didn't even include the "or is it?"
It's impossible to know whether there would have been even more gun violence had concealed carry licences been available. I suspect there would have been, or at the very least that the number or gun related arrests would have been lower.
What about those things? We obviously should be working constantly to prevent corruption in our police force, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't also have the police being the only people with guns. We're never going to bring the total deaths from guns down to 0, but that shouldn't mean we throw up our hands and say…
The difference is not subtle at all: guns purpose, the sole thing they were designed to do, is kill/injure things. Cars were designed to transport people and, when used properly for that function, do so without causing any destruction. A gun cannot be used for the purpose it was designed without causing destruction.
If the only people with guns were criminals and cops, it would be much easier for cops to identify the criminals. As it is, a guy can get pulled over on the way to committing a shooting, have his gun noticed by the cop, pull out his license, get in no trouble, drive away and then commit a massacre like this. It would…
It also happened in the second movie:
But...that really happened in that movie. I'm not sure I see any comparison, since, to my knowledge, Attack of the Sith doesn't even exist.
I debate regularly whether to buy a 3DS. I have had no such internal debates in regards to the Vita. They are not screwing up their portable console even remotely as much as Sony is.
They only made it available to the public after; they had been using it in development for a while already, and had debated including it in the final game.
Haha, yes really. I can't believe I have to explain this with an example but I'll try to make it super simple for you... have you heard of draw something? That is quite clearly more stimulating to one's creativity than your average FPS, in that you spend the game literally creating things.
The problem is that most casual games clearly do stimulate creativity and imagination in the people who enjoy playing them, you just aren't one of those people. You can't extrapolate from your own experience not enjoying the game to everyone else's. The fact that you say casual games "cannot" achieve those things,…
Uhhh how are casual games "crap for being nothing but a waste of time", but non-casual games magically turn that time into a productive evening? They don't. You can make all the generalizations you want about most social garbage on facebook, but there are plenty of standouts that lots of people enjoy, and lots of…
Well, in depth and powerful story telling is an artform we've been working on for quite a long time as a species, so if you want to come up with something so new that your methods and style influence those around you, you have to do a lot more work to stand out. We've been working on video games for a lot less time as…
The main issue is that HL 2 represents impressive improvement without much innovation. Gravity guns had been used before (Doom 3). Characters "had a life" to them well before HL2 (this is a super subjective statement, do you mean graphically? dialogue-wise? all these aspects HL2 improved without any particularly…
"There was nothing like it when it came out. " You know that 2 in the title isn't just for decoration, right?
Wii Sports, while not as appealing to hardcore gamers, is obviously one of the most influential and important games in the move towards casual gaming, which in turn is probably the most important change in the gaming industry in recent history. Nowadays casual gaming is a huge part of our culture, and that's as much…
I have to say that screenshot header is really not that pretty. The way the light reflects off the water makes it look viscous, like if you reached a hand in it'd have the consistency of gack.
Wait...I just read this whole thing, and I really don't see how this could be interpreted as satire or sarcasm. The author really does seem to be advocating for gun safety, not sarcastically mocking it.
Judging by many of the posts on their forums "runs" is a bit of an overstatement. It's still not out for OS X yet, so I think they should probably wait til it's out on that platform (if not android as well) before giving us a review of how it runs on all the different systems. This might also give them a bit of time…
Supposedly the bug delaying the iOS version is actually the same as the bug delaying the OS X version, but since the iOS approval process is usually faster, some are saying we should expect the iOS version in ~2 weeks and the OS X version in ~3.