
I think I saw something on that floating around and it looked pretty neat. It’s been years since I’ve collected the Archie comics, so I’ve missed out on a lot.

Now playing

I had the VHS of that.... No dual audio option, English dub only...
It’s so bad I still quote it to this day.

That Sonic Jam page makes me sad we never got an animated show in that style.

Goddamnit. I really wanted a fun fantasy adventure film. With a world and ecosystem that is built around the concept of these monsters, it makes perfect sense to throw that out the window. Gotta get those GUNS and EXPLOSIONS in the movie somehow amirite?!

Wow, you don’t often see Saya in these kinds of things.

There are a few complete collections of the series out there. It’s fairly lengthy as I remember it took me some time to read through it all, but its enjoyable the whole way through!

I think it’s telling that they never show Edwards face... :/
I guess we’ll see how this turns out.

Literally stopped everything I was doing just to get hype off this track.

Best Buy has Lucina Amiibos right now?! Why am I still at work?

I mean that’s what I thought, but DC straight up killed Superman in Batman v. Superman, and we already had shots of Superman in Justice League promos. 

And I love that when you give him praise, he calls you an asshole and tries to play it off when he’s obviously very flattered. STOP BEING SO DAMN CUTE CHOPPER!

Tony Tony Chopper, the blue nosed reindeer who ate the Human-Human fruit. On his wanted poster, he’s called the Pet of the Strawhat Pirates and only has a bounty of 50 beli. This makes him sad and want to try harder to be a contributing member of the team. His dream is to be a doctor that can cure any disease.

Naaaaaah. I’m just gonna wait for the review. And then the general consensus from players. And then after I play Persona 5.

Here’s hoping Arcade Mode has permanent Arcade Brawl. I loved the absurdity of that Brawl.

She never had an open shot. She was seeing the target through the door via her Infra Red Sight. That’s why the shot she does take only grazes the target.

So more like Skyrim: Rainbow Edition?
huh, that might actually be cool...

Only he gets beat in Gold/Silver

bonus! $4 with a Power-up rewards card!

Probably a few cents. Besides, everyone knows the disc is the more valuable component. They’ll give you at least $2 for it.

We all did. This was also the time that Sony was launching the PSP. So they went up against their biggest rival WITHOUT a Gameboy, which I don’t know if that speaks to the strength of the DS or the insanity of Nintendo.