
It’s got the effect from being boosted by Ana

The way I see it, most games now are being built to run on consoles first. That alone is going to put them in PC range. And I ran Guild Wars 2 just fine on my machine. Not at the best settings mind you, but the game still ran well and I could have some flourishes.

Yea I still have a PS4, mostly because of Bloodborne. It wasn’t until I saw that game in action that I decided I needed a next gen console, because a lot of games just are not doing it for me anymore.

I see your point there, and that really speaks to each person’s individual gaming preferences and needs. Xbox 360 handled all social gaming for me last gen, but now all those people are just too busy and it’s easier for me to find people to play with on PC.

PotG is interesting because as mentioned, its a ton of those factors, PLUS it has to be something that can be highlighted in that small time frame. (what is is, like 10 seconds?) PLUS you have to contend with all the people who see a PotG with one kill and go “What? That’s it?”

That’s definitely on my Christmas list this year. I think my current monitor maxes out at 1920 x 1080, so it’s either a new monitor or a good chair since the one I’ve got is busted.

I wish I could feel that hype! But I’m just gonna wait and see how people receive the game. Now Persona 5...

Cool, good to know. I hadn’t been up to date on the progress they’ve made on it, so its good to hear its doing better. Maybe WB got the message since they’ve also let NetherRealm fix MKX on PC as well.

yea, and that is initially why I got a PS4. But then a ton of those games are starting to show up on Steam. Maybe not NIS titles specifically, but Neptunia games, Trails games, most of the things Xseed has been getting. It’s also what you mentioned, in that you don’t need 4K HDR to enjoy the niche Japanese titles

Exactly. I have both and see the strengths of both. Sometimes I just wanna game. Sometimes I need to do video/photo editing, but I may as well make that machine capable of playing some cool games on the side. Besides, I think opening that sucker up and upgrading stuff is fun.

Well the top 5 on Steam right now are all Spore, the entire Borderlands series, and Ark :/
But I get what you mean. I can probably run new DOOM on max, but will I eventually run new DOOM 2 on max? maybe not. Will the current slate of consoles? definitely not.

Considering I got 10 years out of my last PC which was mediocre at best, I don’t really see myself needing to upgrade much. MAYBE a new graphics card when the next gen consoles come out, which would probably be cheaper than said consoles. Also the PC is already outperforming the current slate of consoles, It might not

I am so glad I got a gaming PC this year. With a good number of “console” exclusive games also showing up on PC, I’m almost starting to wonder what the point of a PS4 or Xbox is. Granted, Ps4 still has Bloodborne and a version of Arkham Knight that runs well. But all of this PS4 Pro stuff is making me glad I can

I don’t see the duct tape holding those two Ps4s that make up the Pro together. What sorcery is this?

The original is still pretty good, and liked the pacing of certain events better in the first half than in Brotherhood. That being said, the second half is its own separate thing and goes in an interesting direction, being an original work, since the manga was still running at the time.

I could have used this advice 5 months ago! DYAMMIT!

I knew the second “Roundabout” came on, they were gonna be in for a bad time.

I feel like this could be one adaptation that COULD work in Hollywood if you rounded up the right talent. AND they wouldn’t have to worry about whitewashing any characters. Unless they cast white people as any Ishvalan or Xing character.

I am not optimistic about this adaptation working in one movie. That’s a lot of

For sure. I was in the middle of a Persona 3 play through (first time) before TMS#FE hit and even normal mode can be brutal if you aren’t careful. I can’t imagine what hard difficulty is like.

I’ve only started using it recently in something like Tokyo Mirage Sessions against some Savage Encounters since it’s hard to recover once characters start going down and there’s no penalty. Since Skies of Arcadia was my first RPG, I’ve been conditioned to not run from battle, since I think that affected what your